How Does the Law of Attraction Work?

The Law of Attraction works whether you believe in it or not.  All laws are like that.  Whatever you give you attention to most, will turn up in your lives.  The theory is powerful and simple, but not so easy to put into practice in our daily living.

This is because what we feel, we attract.  Our strongest emotions are what hold the greatest power. But the Universe doesn’t pay any attention to positive or negative emotion – it just delivers what you are emotionally focused upon.

Love is a very powerful emotion.  So is fear.  They are as strong and attractive as each other.  Our emotions are not something we can hide.  The law of attraction does not pay attention to what we say; it pays attention to what we truly feel.

And if we are filled with fear (and many of us are) fearful situations are what we will attract to us. If you are the type of person who prepares for the worst case scenario it will inevitably happen as you have invested strong emotions into it.

It is hard to always expect the best.  But the best is what we must prepare for all the time. Having an attitude of positive expectation is crucial to attracting the experiences, opportunities and people in our lives. Pay attention to what you are feeling.

We are always in the process of attracting something.  Pay attention to your emotions.  If you are feeling expectant and grateful about the things you want you will attract the things you want.  If you are noticing and paying attention to the lack in your lives, then lack is what you will create in your reality.

If you are in the habit of noticing lack you will have to do a lot of work on your thoughts and feelings to change how you feel. Awareness is the first step.  Then actively changing how you feel is the next.  All habits can be broken.  And you are simply in the habit of noticing what is not there.

Once you have mastered your emotions and thoughts you will be able to focus on what is there.  Whatever you pay attention to, the law of attraction will bring you more of. If you are focusing on what is not there, do so with happy expectation it is on its way to you now.  All you need to do is physically prepare for it.