LOA Goal - My Law of attraction intent

By: David P Kennedy

I have set in motion a LOA Goal or a law of attraction goal. I am hoping that you will participate in it with me. I believe that the law of attraction works for us all and by working together we can change the world.

Here it is... I would like to send my Love and Gratitude around the world and receive back stories of how this article has helped you or made you feel. I am looking for comments from you all on your experiences with success in your lives. I am truly interested in hearing from you. I am asking a big blessing for you all in response to reading this. With that said you can write me back and tell me what has happened in your life since reading this.

You can increase this by sending this out to all your friends and family as well. I am making a bold statement here but I believe a blessing is just what you need in your lives right now and I am asking on your behalf for happiness and good things to come to you.

I am greatfull for all the blessings in my life and this is my gratitude going out to the world. By accepting my thanks to you for your thoughts and dreams and goals in bettering our creation you will be blessed. Not by me personally but by the creator of all. This statement itself is blessed and rewards are on the way to you as you read this.

Please start by telling me at least your first name and the country that you are from so that I can see this going around the world. By sharing blessings you are taking action in your life to better it.

This is not meant to be a chain letter, only to show me that you all care for creation and by sending this out to everyone that you care about you are wanting blessings for them as well. When you send out blessings to others they will come back in multiples to you. Don't believe it...try it...

By this the world will see that there is a movement in creation to expand and better the lives of all. Blessings to you all, happiness, peacefulness, and Love.

My LOA goal includes you, and I am grateful for you. You are wonderful as you are. A masterpiece of creation. You may not think so or feel it yet...but you will soon.

Creation wants the very best for you all and wants you to live life and give you all that you desire and deserve. That is the Law of attraction.

Please remember to pass this on to all your loved ones, friends and family show them you care and you love them and appreciate them and want blessings for them. Then watch as they in turn receive them.

I am very excited for you all and am looking forward to hearing from you all with your amazing stories of your blessings.

This is my LOA Goal I hope you can help me manifest it into being...

You can respond by writing me At:


Tell me about your expirences...Blessings

With Positive Love

David P Kennedy

LOA Goal ,law of attraction,blessings