The Dos and Don'ts of Preventing Cancer Growths

The big C, or cancer, is a disease that no one ever wants to experience. Aside from being painful and debilitating, cancer can cause death, especially the types that can not be detected early on. Furthermore, scientists up until now still haven't found definitive causes and treatment for this problem.

However, a recent study conducted in Australia has found that a strong immune system can actually stop the growth of cancerous tumors. When scientists behind the study have injected carcinogens in laboratory animals, the immune system of these animals were able to stop the tumors formed from becoming bigger and malignant. Experts believe that the immune system of a person might be responsible for long periods of remission in some cancer patients. The proponents of the study believe that once the body finds equilibrium between the immune system and the tumors, there is a big possibility that cancerous growths will be stopped and spreading of cancer cells to other parts of the body could be prevented.

But until the study has been finalized and more research is conducted on humans, the best approach in preventing cancer problems is by following the tips below on how you can prevent the development of cancerous cells and tumors inside your body.

Refrain From Eating Junk, Processed and Sugar-rich Foods

Since processed, junk and sugar-laden foods and beverages are easily accessible and cheap; many people tend to become slaves to these types of foods. These items contain a lot of ingredients and chemicals that are bad for your body. Sugary foods are dangerous because it can turn leptin and insulin levels to go haywire, which you do not want to happen if you are already dealing with cancer or other serious diseases.

Don't Get Tired Of Exercising

Watching the television or lazing around is definitely a lot easier than moving your body and exercising. However, if you do not want to have cancerous growths or you want to maintain your health, you need at least 30 minutes of exercise everyday. It is important to note that exercise can help bring down your levels of insulin and leptin.

Eat Plenty Of Broccoli And Other Cancer-fighting Foods

Come to think of it, the things that you need in the fight against cancer and other types of diseases, such as diabetes and heart problems, are actually provided for by nature. If you want to be healthy and fit, all you need to do is consume a lot of broccoli, green leafy vegetables, tomatoes, carrots and other fruits and vegetables. Just make sure that you choose foods that are organically grown.

Have A Good Night's Sleep

Many know that sleep is important in making minds sharp and strengthening one's memory or cognitive functions. However, not many are aware that sleep deprivation can actually lead to the development of certain cancers. Not having enough restful sleep can cause problems in insulin levels. If you want to lessen your risk of getting cancer, you better start sleeping soundly everyday.

Don't Forget Your Vitamins

One way of boosting the immune system is by making sure that your body gets the right amounts of vitamins and minerals everyday. If eating fruits and vegetables is not enough in providing you with all your nutritional needs, you can always rely on supplements.

Don't Expose Yourself To Environmental Toxins

Aside from avoiding cigarette smoke, it is also important for you to lessen your exposure to air pollution, chemicals, pesticides, fertilizers, air fresheners, chemical cleansers and the like. If you really cannot help being exposed to such elements, then you need to wear protective gears, such as masks and gloves. You can also get rid of toxins from your body by doing detoxification. One product that can help you detoxify your body is Colopril. Visit for more details.