Melanoma skin cancer is a condition that affects millions upon millions of American people every day. It is the result of abnormal cells in the skin that often result from prolonged exposure to the sun, one of the reasons why direct tanning is discouraged and strong sunblock is so strongly encouraged these days.
The cells that have become abnormal spread the condition to the cells surrounding them, creating a condition that can get out of hand fast if not taken care of.
How to Find Melanoma Skin Cancer
The best way to find and cure melanoma skin cancer is to pay close attention to the face and the skin. Melanoma can be indicated by moles that are appearing long after birth, moles that are seeming to grow, marks on the skin that do not seem to be fading, or a mysterious birthmark.
Those who think that they might have symptoms of melanoma should definitely seek a doctor for further examination.
Normal moles or skin abnormalities will not bleed, scale, or grow any bigger. Permanent marks on the body are just that permanent and will not change. If they are abnormal they might however, and that is why they are such a telling indicator of melanoma.
A Doctor Can Officially Diagnose Melanoma
Upon examination, if your doctor determines that your abnormal skin does have the makings of melanoma, they will remove some tissue from the area for further testing.
The tests should help to determine whether or not the cells are abnormal cancer cells or just skin cells that are going a bit out of control.
Melanoma Treatments
In most cases, the treatment of melanoma skin cancer involves a fairly non invasive surgical procedure. They are not difficult to administer, and usually involve the simple removal of moles and other imperfections on the skin.
Depending on how significant the cell damage is, the removal of the tissue may leave a scar on the face, and that is one of the most difficult side effects of the illness and treatment.
If not diagnosed, melanoma skin cancer can get out of hand and spread to other organs of the body. By itself, it is fairly easily treated and can easily be eradicated forever.
An Ounce of Prevention...
You know what they say about prevention; an ounce of it is worth a pound of treatment and that is the case with skin cancer.
A sunblock cream with an SPF of 15 or higher is recommended for everyone every day when exposed to the sunlight, no matter what their skin tone is like.
Melanoma may appear on normal skin, or it may begin at a mole or other area that has changed in appearance. Some moles present at birth may develop into melanomas.
The development of melanoma is related to sun exposure, particularly to sunburns during childhood, and is most common among people with fair skin, blue or green eyes, and red or blond hair.
Skin cancer does not have to be a problem. With global warming becoming more and more of an issue, melanoma is also a bigger issue. Unlike global warming, you can directly contribute to the health of your skin with proper protection and prevention.