What is breast cancer? What do you need to know about this deadly disease? It is the no. 2 killer which strikes women after heart disease. Based on the statistics of American Cancer Society and Medical Association, it is one of the women's most common diseases. It normally does not affect women before their 20s. Millions of women around the world are diagnosed with this disease each year. With the raised awareness of the frequency and amount of such cancer screening, it is the most sought after health screening among women. Such cancer screening visits increase as one age.

With all the talk about this no.2 deadly disease, what exactly is breast cancer? It consists of a group of abnormal cells that have been mutated. This mutation has caused them to no longer become normal. With this being said, what are the causes? How do women contract this disease?

What Are Breast Cancer Causes?

There are many causes. In some women, one of the main causes is if the women's menstrual cycle starts sooner than expected. The normal average age for the start of menstruation is approximately 12 years old. For women whose menstruation begins before 12 years old, they run a greater risk of contracting breast cancer sometime in their lives, especially before their 30s.

One of another breast cancer causes is having menopause later than usual. Women who have menopause after their 50s causes their body system to have a negative reaction. Hormonal changes occur too late.

Another cause is having too much of saturated fat diet. Include diets that include monounsaturated fats, such as olive oil and canola oil. Monounsaturated fats do not cause or increase the chance.

Inheritance is another breast cancer cause in many cases. If the genetics of the family has a history of this disease, it is very likely that it will be passed on to future generations. Therefore, if you have a great-grandmother, grandmother, mother, sister or cousin, who had such cancer, you are more likely get it too.

It can be caused by those who take estrogen replacement therapy. This is especially true if the estrogen therapy has been extended for up to 10 years.

Procedure to Determine If You Have Breast Cancer

A serious sickness, this disease cannot be taken lightly. Women should go for routine checkups when they reach 20s. Mammogram is a procedure women go through when visiting their doctors. A mammogram checks the breast to determine if any cancer cells are present.