5 FU Chemotherapy Information

First of all, if you have any type of cancer, read this brilliant webpage, which will completely change your outlook, and show you how to cure your cancer.

One of the big problems in cancer treatment these days is chemotherapy. 5 fu chemotherapy aims to kill the weakest cells in the body, i.e - the cancer cells, while keeping healthy cells alive. That rarely works, and we have no way of knowing which healthy cells will be killed as a side effect of the treatment. This can result in some dangerous problems, including undiagnosable diseases and symptoms.

Nausea is a very common side effect of the 5 fu chemotherapy. The reason for that is the death of liver and stomach cells, which are one of the most important organs of the body. Here's another bad side effect of the chemotherapy - your cancer will start growing more slowly, but the price you will pay for that is steep. There is a huge problem today, and people actually believe that putting poison in your body in order to attack the cancer is a viable option, and even - a good idea. But how can you not - your doctor will tell you about the chemotherapy like it is the most normal thing on earth, and if you don't get it - you will die. That's not actually the truth, and there is a lot more. There are always two sides to every story, and 5 fu chemotherapy is no exception to that rule.

The natural treatment, described in the beginning of this article has already cured thousands of cancer suffering patients, and has eliminated the need for them to go to a chemotherapy - your body has the ability to destroy the cancerous cells itself, it does not need poison in order to do that. Good luck!