Nursing Esophageal Cancer

Esophageal cancer itself is said to be a very challenging illness that creates various impacts on its patients or sufferers. Case managers, critical care nurses and nurses with advanced practice can control or manage these via a very aggressive preoperative phase for diagnosis, intervention using surgery and a postoperative course. Coordinated nursing care needs collaboration along with advanced nursing practice and critical care play a very vital or pivotal role. Patients require close assessments and interventions after getting operated or surgery in order to lower the complications or side effects.

The after effects of surgery mainly depends on what kind of surgery a esophageal cancer patient is opting for and the kind of surgery even affects the places of incisions. Some surgeons can make incision in the abdomen region, chest or neck and sometimes they might even require more incisions. Surgery on esophageal cancer can also be performed using laparscope, a tool which helps doctors sees inside a patient. Incisions are smaller with this type of surgery that not much nursing care is required post surgery. Apart from this surgery called esophagectomy can also be performed on patients where the patient's part of esophagus is removed and then connected back with the stomach again. Both the above kinds of surgery require administering of anesthesia.

Surgery is normally prescribed for esophageal cancer patients who are in their earlier stages of esophageal cancer. It might not have spread till the stomach so that the part of the esophagus that has got damaged by cancerous cells alone are removed and then placed back. If patients are suffering from squamous cell carcinoma the surgeon might be forced to remove a bigger esophageal part as the cancer tends to begin in the mid region and in the upper esophagus region. The remaining esophagus would be reconnected with the stomach. There are times where the surgeons might make use of stents or plastic tubes or intestine's part for joining the cut parts with each other. The removed patient's lymph nodes are sent to pathologist to confirm if the patient has cancer or not. If they find out the presence of cancerous cells then they come to conclusion that it has spread there too.

When esophageal cancer is located at the lower part of esophagus or to stomach the surgeons might normally remove the esophageal lower region, stomach's upper part and lymph nodes nearer to esophagus. In some, all the cancerous tumors might not be extracted as they might not be in a position to do so and might continue blocking the person's esophagus. In such cases, a metal tube known as a stent might be inserted in the esophagus so that they stay open and wide

Natural Remedies:

There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed here