Breast Cancer - A Major Health Issue

This is one of the major health problems seen in women all over the world. This cancer affects the breasts, mostly the inner lining of the milk ducts or the lobules. If this cancer originates from the ducts they are called ductal cancers and if these originate from the lobules they are called lobular carcinomas.

There are different types of breast cancers and they vary depending on the stages, genetic make up and the aggressiveness. Breast cancer accounts for about 10% of all cancer incidences and is the second most common non skin type of cancer. These cancers affect both the sexes equally even though they are more commonly seen in women.

The noticeable symptom of this cancer is the formation of a lump in the breast. It can be easily identified since it feels different from the rest of the breast tissue. These lumps are not restricted to the breasts alone and can be seen in the arm pits as well. The other symptoms include dimpling of the skin, discharge from the nipple, nipple inversion and also change in the color and the texture of the nipple. Apart from these the symptoms also include pain, swelling and redness of the breast.

The main treatment given to a person suffering from breast cancer is surgery followed by radiation therapy and drugs and sometimes both. Radiation therapy reduces the risk of cancer recurrence by almost 50-60%. The mortality rate worldwide is about 25%, which means that the cancer has more death incidences as compared to lung cancer.

Another important thing about cancer is the name itself. The psychological effects of this disease can be devastatingly severe. However there are a number of cancer support groups and institutions that support this cause and help the patient in dealing with the mental trauma and agony of this deadly disease.