Breast Cancer - Know the Symptoms and Treatments

Breast cancer has become extremely common in women today. This is mostly caused by a genetic disorder. They originate in the breast tissue, normally in the milk channels or lobules which provide milk to these ducts. These cancers which evolve from the ducts are called ductal carcinomas while cancers which evolve from the lobules are known as lobular carcinomas.

The most common and obvious indication of breast cancer is a lump in your breast. It is usually diagnosed with the aid of a mammogram. Even small swellings discovered in the armpits can be a symptom of the cancer.

The other main symptoms of breast cancer are

1. Inflammation of the entire or a part of your breast

2. Severe irritation of the skin or dimpling

3. Pain in your breast

4. Pain in your nipple or a part of your nipple inverting inside

5. Soreness, scaliness or even condensation of your nipple or your entire breast

6. Some kind of discharge from your nipple which is not milk.

Even though these indications may be due to some other kind of problems not as serious as cancer; like a cyst or infection. It is extremely important that you consult a specialist immediately when you notice any of the above indications to be on the safe side.

With the vast strides in science and medicine, you do not have to panic if you find out that you are a victim of breast cancer. Majority of these cancers are curable. You can either opt for surgery and get your breast removed and undertake chemotherapy. Your doctor will know the best kind of treatment that will be good for you according to the severity of your case and other health factors involved. You just need to consult a reputed oncologist who will surely be able to help you overcome breast cancer.