My Co - Worker Had Prostace Cancer, But He Pulled Through

One of my colleagues at work recently went through a nightmare with prostate cancer treatment, but luckily, everything seems fine now. He had prostate surgery, and for a while it looked like the prostate treatment wasn't going to work, but it did. Everyone in his family was quite frightened by the situation, but he had always had confidence that he would pull through. I have to admit that I was very worried about him myself, and all the reports were quite grim, but he ended up being very lucky.

He's been strongly urging me to have my prostate checked. I understand that prostate cancer treatment works much better when you catch the disease early, and I do have a family history, so I've been taking what he says seriously. I have no symptoms of prostate cancer, and I seriously doubt if I'll ever need any prostate treatment or prostate surgery, but it's better to be safe than sorry.

I know a few other people who've had prostate cancer treatment over the years, and actually my work colleague had the toughest situation. His prostate surgery worked, but it was touch and go for a little while, and he says that it would have been much easier if he had caught it earlier. Prostate treatment isn't ever a sure thing, but it seems that early detection can make it a lot more reliable, so I may have to start getting yearly checkups. It is really essential that I do this - so what are you waiting for.