How to Avoid the Silent Killer - Pancreatic Cancer

Pancreatic cancer is one of the most deadly types of cancer. They are usually diagnosed late because this kind of disease manifest only at full blow, symptomatic only once the pain hits. Because of this, prognosis of this condition is very low. Mortality rate for people who have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer is very high.

It is a state where the pancreas developed a malignant neoplasm. Exocrine pancreatic cancers are usually adenocarcinomas. They are about 95%. The remaining 5% are constituted by other cancer types such as hepatoid, signet rings cell and adenosquamous carcinomas. Medically speaking, to have this condition is a death sentence for a patient.

Often, patients are terrified and worried of meeting the "silent killer". But being aware of how to avoid it, increases the chance of being free from the disease. There are a lot of risk and predisposing factors in order for an individual to plant a lethal time bomb inside of his own pancreas.

The disease is most common to male with ages over 60. Why? Because smoking and being an alcoholic play a significant role in developing pancreatic cancer.  Excessive alcoholism can cause chronic pancreatitis, which actually leads to pancreatic cancer. And drinking all over the world is a common vice to men.

Diets low in vegetables and high in red meat and sugar sweetened drinks such as soft drinks are common causes of the disease. Obesity and Diabetes Miletus (DM) even makes your chances of getting the disease although DM today can be considered as a symptom of pancreatic cancer.

Genetics also plays a significant role in increasing your probability of getting pancreatic cancer. If you know someone in your family who have a record of the same disease, then your risk factors are high.
Now that you know the risk factors of pancreatic cancer, the ways to prevent it are obvious.

  • First, QUIT SMOKING. You might have heard the damaging effects of smoking to health, even to non-smokers in your house. One can enumerate the health effects from A-Z, from all types of cancer to sudden infant death syndrome. If you have risk factors at home, like your dad, urge them to stop smoking. Make them quit. There are lot of ways to help you get through the quitting process.
  • Second and the most important, QUIT ALCOHOL. Alcohol, by statistics is the main culprit to blame on pancreatic problems that may lead to pancreatic cancer.
  • Third, live healthy. Exercise regularly and eat healthy. Always maintain the appropriate body weight for you to avoid high risk of diabetes.