Derailed Dreams: Roots of Cancer and Heart Disease

It never ceases to amaze me when I see the direct links between the wounds and disconnections from the past and how they can lead to symptoms that are both emotional and physical in the present. Recently I worked with a man, who was feeling as if his life has never been in sync. You may know this feeling. He also shared that in the last year, after decades of living a healthy lifestyle that he was diagnosed with heart disease then prostate cancer within a matter of months.

He urgently wanted to understand why this had happened, he ate well, did not drink or smoke, did not use drugs and yet here he was in chemo and radiation therapy fighting for his life. As he shared his personal story, concerns and his deep desire to feel connected a picture in my mind began to take shape. It was clear that his father was somehow involved and that this was the first place where his sense of disconnection took place. As I shared this he expressed that as a young man he wanted to be a wildlife photographer and writer. His father however had other plans for him.

Being a business mogul and a captain of industry he wanted his son to follow in his footsteps. Being the good son he did what his father desired. He went to an ivy-league school and got a business degree and MBA. Like a train derailed from its track this man's life started to take a course that was not his own. Even thought he had used his family's money wisely and with great altruism after his father's death there was no satisfaction in it. It left him feeling empty.

What became crystal clear was that both his heart disease, which manifested as a alarmingly slow heart rate that the doctors said could lead to a heart attack or stroke at any time and his prostate cancer were linked to this man's not taking the course that was his original desire in life. His heart was not in the game and was not doing what he had wanted most, to be a photographer and writer.

Connections surfaced more and more as we talked and he comprehended how his inner male energy had been disabled by this simple act of submission to his father's desires. He saw how in essence and energy this emasculated him, just as the chemo drugs were doing now.

He saw his heart disease in a new light as well, seeing how his desire to please his father and later his friends and colleagues was often not in alignment with his own desires. He also realized how he gave away his power and male energy, which looked flattened and almost lifeless to me, by letting others take the reins and by not saying no to those he loved.

We worked thru many layers and he began to see clearly how the structures, behaviors and beliefs had affected his health and relationships. He walked away with a variety of energetic exercises and a deep sense of how he had to proceed. He felt he was in charge of his life now - not his doctors, another set of authority figures, nor his wife or business partners but himself. He could say no to things that did not resonate in his heart. And he realized what he had accomplished in his life and gave thanks for his family's legacy and money, which allowed him to do so much for his community and family.

For years now I have seen how symptoms are linked to the past and how events from the past can create deep schisms in your body and spirit. Finding the moments where the train was switched to another track and resolving and revisioning these moments and the patterns they create can lead to new found hope, deep release of old wounds, more harmony and peace in your life.

Empowerment and healing come when you reflect upon your past and see the energy connections that are linked to your symptoms in the present. This path of rediscovering your inner truth and moving from that deep place of truth can help you heal your life in ways you may never have imagined possible. It is yet to be seen if this man will heal from the diseases that have manifested within his body but he has a chance now to heal the disconnect he has felt so long within his heart and mind.

Psycho-energetic and somatic therapy combined with intuitive and spiritual insights can help you connect the dots and see the big picture. You can find clarity, relief, and hope, insight, empowerment and greater well-being, it is right here- within you.