fruit and vegetable can reduce cancer risk in child

Children can cut cancer risk for get high quality of fruit and juice, USA Study found that 1 to 5 year old children have good digest system and brain memory. Children must be encouraged to eat more fruit and vegetables to reduce the risk of cancer in later life.

The latest publisher of Health Survey of England (2008), say that four to five year children always avoid for those kinds of vegetable and fruit, which have good vitamins, research by the Food Standards Agency released earlier this year showed that fewer than one in 10 teenagers were eating ‘five a day'.

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Health Survey of England found that 5 to 15 year boys must be eating 3.1 portions of fruit and vegetable per day and girls 3.3 portions.

One in 14 boys and one in 25 girls did not eat any at all on the day of the research. Nathalie Winn from (World Cancer Research Fund) says that we encourage children to get into healthy habits as early in life.

A scientific research shows that eating a plant based diet with some of fruits, vegetables and pluses probably reduces the risk of a number of cancers in later life; study also says that fruit and vegetables also helped people to stay fit and healthy weight.

Offer foods from the different food groups to your kids each day and prepare meals with nutrients that complement each other. That means eating fresh fruits, vegetables, lean meats, fish, whole grains, nuts, legumes, milk, and cheese.To get more information related child cancer