Donate Cars and Join in the War against the Breast Cancer

"Life is not fair to all. We all have our shares of happiness and sorrows. And I am no exception. My so-called ‘the perfect world’ shattered the day when I detected a lump in my left breast. Initially, I took it lightly and actually do not pay much attention towards it. But, after some months, the constant pain and heaviness of the breast took me to the clinic of a nearby physician. I wasn’t sure how I was feeling at that time. All I could remember was uneasiness and a fear to face the unknown reality that I was averting from some months now. The fear turned into a reality when the doctor broke this unfortunate news to me. My prime concern was losing the structure of my body. Many questions start hovering into my brain. Am I on the verge of losing my feminine prowess? How will I face my family, friends and acquaintances? Will I be able to live normally? I was depressed and confused. I wept and cursed myself again and again. Why me?  Fortunately, I am blessed with a supportive and understanding family. My husband Paul assured me that his love will pull me out of this unforgettable period of my life. Even, my daughter Samantha, stood for me and nursed me like a mother.  Call it the self will or constant support from the family, I decided not to give up so easily instead I decided to fight and determined to win this war.Barbara Smith"

This is not only Barbara’s story but millions of others too who are living under the fear of this deadly disease called “breast cancer.” Media has taken up the challenge to spread awareness on this by encouraging women to come out of the shell and know its dreadful consequences.

Many non-profit organizations have developed unique methods to encourage people to join the war against breast cancer. You can donate your car and make your valuable contribution for this noble cause. Many automobile donations for breast cancer organize urge people to come up and donate their vehicles and avail tax deductions. In fact, you can minimize the paperwork by donating car to organizations working for helping breast cancer victims.

So, why wait? Join the war against breast cancer and donate your cars in support of your commitment the suffering women.