Colorectal Cancer - Prevention And Treatment

Colorectal cancer, one of the most common types of cancer, is the growth of malignant cells in the colon or rectum. Tumors in the colon are slow growing, but may eventually become large enough to obstruct the digestive tract. The cancer may spread to the liver, lymph nodes, or other parts of the body, and symptoms may not appear until the cancer is quite advanced. However, if detected and treated early, the outlook is optimistic.


  • Eat a diet low in animal fat and high in fiber.
  • Get a regular checkup if you have a personal or family history of colon or digestive tract disease.
  • The American cancer society recommends that people over 40 have an annual digital rectal exam (half of all colorectal cancers occur in the rectum).
  • People over 50 also should have an annual stool sample test for hidden bleeding and a colonoscopy (in which a lighted viewing tube is used to examine the colon) every three to five years.


A balance approach is a combination of both conventional and alternative therapy is one of the surest ways in prevention and treatment for colorectal cancer.

  • Surgery is necessary to remove the tumor. If the cancer is detected early, the surgery may be limited to a bowel resection, in which the cancerous part of the colon is removed and the healthy parts are rejoined. Nearby lymph nodes are also removed.
  • If the tumor is blocking the colon, the cancerous part of the colon is removed, and the end of the remaining upper portion of the colon is brought through an opening created in the abdominal wall for waste to pass through, into a bag. This procedure (colostomy) may be temporary, to allow the colon to heal after the operation, or permanent, when cancer is extensive (about 15percent of cases)
  • Radiation therapy may be used before surgery to reduce the size of the tumor or after surgery to destroy remaining cancer cells; chemotherapy may be used to halt the spread of the cancer.
  • There is a place for traditional approach that we have to deal with example the removing of tumors and etc. but we have to consider also the efficacy and potency of alternative therapy. Alternative prevention and treatment are increasing and are now gaining prominence and respect in the scientific world. These treatments are not only dealing with the effects but are treating the cause. That’s why most of it are all effective if applied properly. All alternative prevention and treatment are non invasive and its the highly recommended therapy by almost 15,000 European doctors. Sad to say that this approach is suppressed in the U.S. Alternative colorectal cancer – prevention and treatment as provided by the “one minute cure for all diseases” has gain prominence to a lot of people. The claim is so simple; research showed that if you deprived a cell 35% of its required levels of oxygen for 2days, the cell would become cancerous. Most people don't realize that lack of oxygen is not only the cause of cancer but is also the cause of most diseases. When the body is supplied with abundant and enough amounts of oxygen, no cancer cells, viruses, harmful bacteria, toxins, pathogens and disease microorganisms can survive because they cannot survive in a highly oxygenated environment in our bodies. We have to be aware that oxygen is the primary element that our cells need when it comes to cell regeneration and rejuvenation and this is very important in dealing with colorectal cancer at the cellular level.

For further information and knowledge about colorectal cancer - prevention and treatment and for more articles about the causes, symptoms and diagnosis of colorectal cancer and for and in-depth study of the one minute cure for all diseases. Just follow the link and watch also the 5minute video presentation for final assessment: