Overview of Throat Cancer

The throat cancer affects the mouth, the oral cavity or the pharynx, the upper part of the throat. The oral cavity and the pharynx have many functions in the human body like breathing, talking among other thing. The throat cancer will attack the oral cavity or the pharynx. IT can be found with the idea of the common symptoms and can be treated. Usually the symptoms are common like sore throat or the pain in the throat while talking or breathing. The lump or nodule found in the mouth or neck is the main symptom for the throat cancer.

The throat can be classified into different type according to the place of occurrence. It is classified as vocal cord cancer, laryngeal cancer, thyroid cancer, nasopharyngeal cancer and the hypo pharyngeal cancer. The thyroid is part of the base of the neck. The thyroid gland cancer is the rare  type. The pharyngeal and the laryngeal is the most common. The type of the throat cancer is found only after proper examination. While the thyroid gland cancer is easily identified with the help of huge lump in the neck, the other type need medical examination. One type  may give way to other type.

The diagnosis of the throat cancer can be done with the available machine like x-ray device or the MRI scan. But the main problem is the time of the diagnosis done. Most throat cancer is diagnosed at later stage of the cancer which is at that time fully developed and may even spread extensively. The main challenge  is its discovery in early stage. As the symptom becomes more common the finding is difficult in early stage. The majority of the people discovered with the throat cancer die immediately before the effect of the treatment since the cancer is in its advanced stage. When the cancer is in advanced stage, the possibility of having secondary cancer and other disease is high, since the cancer spread the disease to its neighboring areas.

It can be treated effectively when identified in right time. The surgery is the common treatment available. It is also the effective treatment when the need arise to remove the tumor from the affected area. The other treatments provided for the throat cancer are radio therapy, chemo therapy among others. The radiation therapy is combined with the chemotherapy for better results. The surgery is usually done along with the radio therapy to remove any small lump that cannot be removed by the surgery.

The main cause for the throat cancer is found as the usage of tobacco. The consumption of the tobacco in any form leads to throat cancer. Contradictory to the other cancer where the consumption of the tobacco in smoke-less form reduces the chance of the cancer, the same is not true in throat cancer. Using tobacco in smoke-less form has negative impact in throat cancer. It cause the same way as the smoking causes.