Using food to strengthen the immune system to fight cancer

We spend billions of dollars in treating cancer today yet we spend little promoting the consumption of freshly grown fruit and vegetables, foods that our medical system should know are beneficial in not only preventing cancer but reversing it as well. Anyone who's researched and embraced natural medicine knows clearly that nature is by far the best choice when it comes to preventing and treating cancer.

Treating the cancer symptoms, which is the cancer growth do not actually do anything to help a patient regain the level of health necessary to keep the cancer in check. We are subjected to so much influence and misinformation by drug company advertisements and our doctors, that we mistakenly believe the only way to treat cancer is with our current ways of surgery, radiation and chemotherapy.

Every human being has a repair system called the immune system. It is our built in system that keeps us health and free of diseases and also free of cancer. The reason we get cancer is because this immune system had been weakened by our modern way of living, especially with our wrong food choices so doesn't it make sense that the first priority is to strengthen it. The immune system is easily strengthened by changing to our natural food, many of which have cancer fighting properties.

Our diets today have changed over the last 30 to 40 years thanks to supermarkets, processed foods and big corporations that produce this food we all eat. Processed food is produced because it's profitable, not because it's healthy. Any food item that's been processed has lost its nutritional value and that is the main reason why someone will be diagnosed with cancer.

By turning to nature and eating the food that nature produces, will strengthen the immune system and it's this system that will fight the cancer and remove it safely from the body without any side effects. It works with all cancers no matter where they appear in the body and it works for everyone. Remember we can not improve on nature as nature produces the perfect food for human beings. The worlds most powerful cancer fighting substances are found right under our noses in the form of natural plants. All you have to do is to eat it.

Also what is important to remember is, cancer is a disease of the whole body, not just where the growths appeared. Cancer appears because of a condition within the body but by removing just the growths, that hasn't removed the condition that first caused these growths. A true cure has to come from within the body and the correct food will do that. What we are doing to our patients with the chemical treatments as in chemotherapy is what we are doing with our planet as in chemical pollution. You can not heal cancer with a poison.

The common sense way to survive cancer is to change your diet to the foods that are known to have cancer fighting properties. Research over the last few years has found many of our natural foods can fight cancer. Some examples are;

  • Garlic and other members of the onion family.
  • Broccoli and other cruciferous vegetables.
  • Tomatoes, which contain lycopene.
  • Red grapes that contain the phytochemical resveratrol.
  • Mushrooms, shiitake variety helps the immune system.
  • Blueberries, they are high in antioxidants.
  • Nuts and seeds, especially Brazils which contain selenium.
  • Salmon contains omega 3 fatty acids, also in walnuts.
  • Papaya has papain and pineapple contains bromelain.

To become free of the disease for ever means changing your diet and eating real food like people living in a more primitive society who don't get cancer. There is no substitute for eating healthy unprocessed food.