Foods That Help to Fight Acne

There are some foods that can help you to fight acne. Though you can't just eat any food and relax for your acne problems to fade away, there are some specific foods that are responsible for fighting acne scars.

Foods high in beta carotene such as carrots, pumpkin, and cantaloupe are effective for ending acne problems. Add plenty of vegetables to your meals, eat plenty of fruits and sprouts. All these foods are Acne Enemy Foods . If you take enough of them, believe me that you will soon see your acne scar clear off gradually.

Lime juice is also another fruit food that is very essential in fighting your acne problems. Get 2 lime fruits, squeeze it into a cup and drink it both in morning and before you go to bed. Also rub some of those lime juice on your face. I will suggest taking the lime juice while it's in its natural form. Its fresh form is more effective than stored or processed ones. It won't be easy to find them in the city but a trial will convenience you. Visit your nearest local fruit market and you will be surprise to see some.

Water is also another food that can help send your acne away. Drink 9 glasses of water daily; taking 3 in the morning, afternoon and evening respectively.

Strawberries, tea tree oil, garlic, coconut oil and apple cider vinegar play a vital role to help clear your acne; scientific evidence reveals it. I highly recommend you to take them if you need fast relieve from your acne condition. Aloe vera is also good for curing acne scars. Don't forget to rub them on your face morning and at night before you go to bed.

AcneFreein3Days is a complete guide to cure acne in as little as 3 days. Its steps include natural easy-to-follow scientifically tested and proven methods you can use to cure your acne in 3 days. If you wish to get more information about AcneFreein3days and how it will be able to cure your acne in 3 days, visit /