The Best Way I Know To Cure Cancer

Otto Warburg, revealed that if the body is deprived with oxygen, diseases would definitely occur in the body. In his studies, a cell that is deprived with 35% oxygen for 48 hours, the cell would likely become cancerous. In our time today, cancer is so widespread as well as other diseases like AIDS because most people suffer from oxygen deprivation. A cure for cancer and other diseases is just a matter of getting rid of the cause of the disease.

At least in the temperate areas of the world, arthritis is probably the most common of all disabling diseases. The estimate is that 10 percent of the population suffers from one of the many forms of arthritis. More than 13 million persons each year seek professional medical care for arthritis, in the United States alone. Some three million must restrict their daily activities, and about 750,000 are so disabled by arthritis that they are unable to attend school, work, or even handle common household tasks.

In the United States, there are around four million people who have diabetes. About a third of them are undiagnosed. This figure constitutes about two percent of the population, and ranges from one one-hundredth percent of people under 24 years of age to seven percent of those over 64. It can develop at any age. Gradually, susceptibility increases up to age 40, and then rapidly increases. Diabetes commonly affect women than men after age 30.

Medical science devotes constant attention to a search for those factors in our environment that can produce cancer in human beings. They include chemical agents such as those in tobacco smoke, asbestos fibers and other occupational chemical hazards; ionizing radiation such as that from X rays, nuclear bombs, and sunlight; injury or repeated irritation; metal or plastic implants; flaws in the body's immune reaction; genetic mistakes; parasites; and-many scientists believe-viruses.

It is this last factor that is generating perhaps the most interest among medical scientists today. It has been shown that viruses cause a variety of cancers in animals; yet they have never been proved responsible in human cancer, although they have been linked to at least six different ones. Recent researches discovered an enzyme in a virus believed to cause cancer and also in the tissues of leukemia patients. This may be the key to the mechanism by which a virus induces a malignant change in normal cells.

Scientists have also discovered that certain substances in the environment which by themselves may not stimulate the growth of a cancer can be dangerously activated to become carcinogenic by the presence of one or more other substances. Each of these potential cancer-causing agents is called a cocarcinogen. It is possible that some cocarcinogens are present in ordinary fruits and vegetables, in certain food additives, and in such other substances as the synthetic estrogen diethylstilbestrol.

Current researches in medicine say that viruses, microbes, germs, harmful bacteria, toxins in the food that we eat, or our genes and stress are the cause of cancer and other diseases. It is true that these factors characterize most diseases but they do not cause the disease. Relatively, they bring about a state in the body which is oxygen deficiency that, as a result would cause disease.