Cancer is not a single disease but rather an umbrella for a variety of diseases which are characterized by uncontrolled cell proliferation that affects all organs. Cancer  in any form remains a dreaded diagnosis, not only because of the looming shadow of death, but also due to the severe side effects of its allopathic treatments like chemotherapy and radiation.

In India, where Ayurveda is known as the ancient indigenous healing system, both North and South Indian schools of Ayurveda offer time-tested treatments against cancer.

According to ayurveda, the human body is governed by the tri-doshas which are Vata, Pitta and Kapha. According to ayurveda experts, “Cancer is the result of the body’s reaction to what disturbs the tri-doshas.”

In ayurveda it is suggested to stick to swastha, which includes regular seasonal routines of proper diet and natural lifestyle. When you neglect natural cycles and indulge in improper food, late nights, overwork, daytime sleep, stimulants, intoxicants, chemical drugs, stress and anxiety, the doshas become imbalanced in your body and therefore trigger a disease.

For cancer treatment, the ayurveda experts recommend the following ayurvedic holistic methods:

• The first step in curing cancer is to cure it from the root. It is advised to avoid a harmful diet or lifestyle that aggravates the root cause and imbalance the tri-doshas.

• The second step is to eliminate the imbalanced tri-doshas.  These tri-doshas are eliminated by flushing them out of the body through panchakarma therapy which involves purifying therapies to enhance metabolic processes. Generally a panchakarma therapy includes five techniques:

Vamana – emetics
Virecana – laxatives
Basti – medicated enema
Nasya – nasal administrations
Rakta moksana – blood-letting

• The third step is to treat jataragni. Jataragni controls our digestion and nourishment. It not only helps the formation of nutritive fluid (ahara rasa) and physical elements (doshas) but also the tissues (dhatus) and waste (malas).

• In ayurveda , rasayana medicines are used which maintain enzymes and metabolism in peak condition, and enhance the generation of new cells and tissues. Rasayana medicines not only prevent but also alleviate conditions associated with cancer, and increase ojas to boost immunity and strengthen cells and body.