Esophageal Cancer Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is used for treating esophageal cancer with the help of the drugs which can restrict the growth and division or reproduction of cancer cells thereby destroying them.  Hence they are also known as anticancer drugs.  Esophageal cancer chemotherapy could be administered in the patients by mouth in the pill form or intravenously by injection.  Chemotherapy is combined along with surgery or/and radiation therapy for patients who are fighting against esophageal cancer. Chemotherapy is administered typically for few times in one week and the same way for several weeks continuously.

Esophageal cancer chemotherapy treatments can however cause some side effects of unpleasant nature like vomiting, mouth sores, nausea and hair loss.  But new types of chemotherapy approaches are embraced to lower the above said side effects.  Fractionated dose esophageal cancer chemotherapy is one such approach that can help in lowering the side effects commonly felt by patients like vomiting and nausea.

When supportive therapies are offered along with chemotherapy the side effects become bearable.  For instance, well balanced diet prescribed by dietitians help in maintaining the health of the body while undergoing chemotherapy and also provides suggestions to keep nausea and vomiting at bay.

Even though many patient worry about the unpleasant side effects caused by esophageal cancer chemotherapy like feeling weak, hair loss and frequent urination or nausea, chemotherapy is said to be the most effective method for alleviating and treating esophageal cancer. But fortunately all the above symptoms are found to be temporary and disappear once the treatment ends.  If the patients openly talk to their doctors about these symptoms there are possibilities of managing them effectively.

Esophageal cancer chemotherapy is used often in conjunction with radiation therapy and surgery for treating esophageal cancer.  This treatment might be offered to the patients prior to surgery so that they help in reducing the tumor's size or post surgery for helping to get rid of the cancer cells if any remaining in the body of the patient.  Sometimes esophageal cancer chemotherapy is also offered alone for helping the patient to come out of pain and eases the swallowing difficulty in patients who might not be treated using surgery as an option.  The discomfort is lowered to a greater extent that patients feel easy to swallow.

The ideal patients who can go through chemotherapy are the ones who are affected with esophageal cancer for some time in their advanced stages or who might not undergo surgery due to their ill health.  Radiation therapy is provided along with chemotherapy in such patients.

Natural Remedies:

There are certain natural remedies that offer a promising cure for esophageal cancer. Along with the natural remedies and a well-researched different diet pattern, a few simple adjustments to your lifestyle can make a huge difference to your efforts for prolonging the life for several years. You can increase your chances of surviving esophagus cancer now by trying these proven natural remedies discussed here