Brain Cancer - Symptoms of Brain Cancer

However most types of cancers can be beaten, if you catch it up soon enough, and even if you don't there are new treatments coming out by the minute everyday that will help you fight and successfully beat cancer. There are however some types of cancers that are more complex in nature than others, brain cancer is the one we're speaking of and the one we will be focusing on.

Two types of known brain cancer exist, namely: Primary brain cancer (these generally initiate in the brain), Primary brain cancer almost never moves to any other part of the body, so death is brought on by uncontrollable tumor growth within the brain cavity. Then you get metastatic brain cancer or otherwise known as secondary brain cancer (this type of cancer originates in other parts of the body and get transported or should we say it migrates to the brain thus causing the person to circum to secondary brain cancer.

Types of brain cancer

As most other types of cancer, brain cancer is also classified as primary brain cancer and secondary brain cancer. Primary brain cancer is the one that originates from the brain itself i.e. that originates in the brain cells. Secondary brain cancers is the one that doesn’t originate from the brain cells but is instead passed on from another organ/ part of the body

Causes of brain cancer

As is the case with many other types of cancer, the causes of brain cancer is a big topic for researchers. However, certain genetic conditions and exposure of head to radiation (as received during radiotherapy as part of treatment of other conditions) are known to be causes of cancer. There are a number of other theories that keep coming up time and again, each suggesting different possible causes of brain tumor (one famous one is about mobile phones causing brain cancer). However, there really isn’t a very convincing theory about what causes brain cancer.

Symptoms of Brain Cancer

Brain tumors can damage vital neurological pathways and invade and compress brain tissue. Symptoms usually develop over time and their characteristics depend on the location and size of the tumor.

Cancers are typically painless at first. As they grow, the first symptom is often a mild discomfort, which may steadily worsen into increasingly severe pain as the cancer enlarges. The pain may result from the cancer compressing or eroding into nerves or other structures.

The symptoms are caused by the tumor pressing on or encroaching on other parts of your brain and keeping them from functioning normally.

A sign is also an indication that something is not right in the body. But signs are defined as things that can be seen by a doctor, nurse, or other health care professional. Fever, rapid breathing rate, and abnormal breathing sounds heard through a stethoscope may be signs of pneumonia.

As the skull is made of bone, there is a fixed amount of space for the brain to take up. The growing tumor increases the pressure inside this fixed space. This is called 'raised intracranial pressure'.

Herbal treatment for Brain Cancer

If you suspect you have a brain tumor, see a physician immediately. A CAT scan or MRI of the head can usually confirm the presence of a tumor and pinpoint its location. If a tumor is found, the physician may take a CAT scan of the chest and abdomen to make sure the cancer has not affected other areas of the body. If the tumor is localized and is situated in an area where removal is possible (on the outer surface of the brain, for example), surgery may be performed. However, some tumors-particularly those located deep within the brain tissue-cannot be operated on. In these cases, radiation and chemotherapy will be used to destroy cancerous cells. (See "Conventional Medical Treatment" in the "Bladder Cancer" entry for more information on radiation and chemotherapy.)