An Effective Way Of Reversing The Malignant Process

Retrospective overview

At the end of the 19th century, Julius Cohnheim, a follower of Rudolf Virchow, arrived at an idea that cancer seemed to be "just an embryo cell, which was strayed". Later, in the early 20th century, Alexander Maximoff, a famous Russian histologist, found reserve embryo cells, viz. hemopoietic cells, and finally Otto Warburg, a Nobel Prize Laureate, discovered that the serious impairment of cell respiration leads to intense lactic acid fermentation and the cancer degeneration of observable tissue.

Reserve embryo cells

The above reserve embryo cells, called also "vital cells" or "stem cells", were detected with the immunofluorescence method everywhere in the body. They are slow-divisible but of great vitality, and capable of self-renewal (self-replacement) and clonal expansion. Their daughter cells, called "progenitor cells", are quick-divisible but more open to injury, and do not capable of self-renewal. Reserve embryo cells must make up for the loss of cells due to apoptosis (physiological cell suicide) or necrosis.

The growing cell colony

Today there is every reason to be of opinion that cancer tissue is a growing cell colony formed by two cell populations. One of them is a large population of hang immature cells, which lost proper interdependence. Another is a small population of wrong reserve embryo cells with their daughter cells, a population of cancerous cells proper, which can form metastases.

The problem of treatment

Being immature cells, reserve embryo cells are ultra vires of immune cells; as is known, even embryo cells from unborn animals are not recognized as non self by the patient's immune system. Modern immunotherapy however cherishes hopes for using immune cells cloned from patient's immune system, which are then injected into him. In regard to cytotoxic therapy, the problem of treatment is that reserve embryo cells have excellent adaptation power. We have to agree with the fact that today's cytotoxic therapy is just palliative treatment*.

The malignant engine

There are two views on the strategy of getting rid of cancer. One of them suggests that recovery is possible by destroying the carriers of disease - the cancerous cells suitable means. This idea was borrowed from the theory of contagion, but cancer is not a contagious disease. Another view suggests that recovery is possible by changing the metabolism and energy of the cancerous cell, which make the work of a malignant biochemical engine impossible.

Reversing the malignant process

Preparing to fight cancer is important to take into account that precancerous dyscrasia seems to occur before the first cancerous cell. Today a wonder-working and easy-to-use method of dietary treatment for cancer is elaborate and well proven, but not published on any website. The goal of this treatment is improving the mode of operation of the mitochondria. Dynamics of tumor markers shows that incipient cancer requires only a few months to be quieted and reversed.

Disseminating with micro-cancer

If cancer is present in the body, there can be undetectable disseminating with micro-cancer. On the other hand, although the above dietary treatment for cancer is always effective, its therapeutic potency is limited. Allowing for these facts, it is reasonable to avoid surgery, which is known as a strong promotor of the malignant process.

Preventing the malignant process

People, who use a simplified version of the dietary treatment for cancer as a program for cancer prevention, report that they have brought back their health. However, when incipient cancer is already present in the body, using the simplified version of the dietary treatment for cancer can be not enough to quiet and reverse cancer.

* Morgan G, Ward R, Barton M. The contribution of cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adult malignancies. Clin Oncol 2004.