Breast Cancer Awareness Scrapbooking

The disease and its causes. Breast Cancer Awareness Scrapbooking Breast cancer is the most common form of cancer found among women, accounting for 25% of all the cancers in women. It occurs at all ages but is most common between the ages of 45 and 49. The cause is unknown. However, there always have been some questions about the relationship of a female hormone called estrogen to cancer, when estrogen is used in treating pre-menopausal women. Although this relationship is not firmly established, most doctors now think it best to avoid the use of estrogen in younger patients who have a family history of breast cancer.

Symptoms. There are few early symptoms. The first is usually a painless lump in the breast found accidentally or on routine examination. The size may vary but generally it is small and quite hard, and it may be attached to the skin. The nipples may be sore or there may be some discharge from them. Occasionally the veins in the skin over the tumor become quite prominent. The skin becomes tight and resembles an orange in texture.

As growth gets larger, there may be swelling of the upper arm on the side involved, chest pain, and pain in the armpit with noticeable swelling in the area. Finally, there is weakness, weight loss, and general symptoms of illness.

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Complications. Complications are the same as for any malignancy - when the cancer spreads to other organs, there is generalized deterioration and eventual death.

Prevention. Routine breast examination by a trained observer is the only effective means of preventing the deadly progression of this illness. Any breast lump or swelling should be investigated, since there is no way of distinguishing a benign tumor from a malignant one in the early stages. In women over 30, the investigation should probably be done surgically. There is no known means other than biopsy (examination of a piece of tissue removed from the breast) to establish a certain diagnosis. Special X ray studies have been found helpful as a diagnostic aid. If neglected, the malignant lump can spread to the point when little can be done. It is far better to remove a benign mass (one that will not have a cancerous growth) than to take the chance of allowing a malignant one to develop beyond the early stage.

Once the diagnosis of cancer is established by means of a biopsy, all suspicious areas and beyond are promptly remove surgically. Early diagnosis and therapy offer the only hope of eliminating this disease

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