I Have Prostate Cancer/Do I Need Surgery?

Prostate cancer is cancer of the prostate, a small male sexual organ located in the lower abdomen that can also affect urine flow. Prostate cancer, like all cancer, is serious and can be life threatening. Prostate cancer can occur in men of all ages.

One cancer of the prostate treatment option is prostate surgery. Some patients are candidates for cryosurgery, where the the surgeon freezes the cancer on the prostate. Oftentimes, a more radical prostate cancer treatment approach is a prostatectomy, or removal of the prostate. Either of these prostate cancer treatment options is likely all that is needed if the cancer hasn't spread beyond the prostate. A prostatectomy will require at least one incision in the lower abdomen, and in some cases several tiny incisions. In this cancer of the prostate treatment your surgeon will remove the prostate and sometimes the lymph nodes near the prostate. He or she will order an examination of the prostate and lymph nodes to determine if the cancer has spread more than expected.

Recovery from prostate cancer surgery depends on the type of surgery. An open prostatectomy requires one large incision and the longest recovery time. Newer methods, such as laparoscopic prostate surgery and robotic prostate surgery have significantly shortened recovery times. In some cases, cancer of the prostate treatment may require other therapies, such as radiation. The best type of prostate cancer treatment will be determined by a discussion with your urologist or urological surgeon.

The important thing is that if you are worried go and see your doctor and take action.