Cancer And Chemotherapy, Learn About It Before You Except It

A person newly diagnosed with cancer is a frightened individual and too many just accept any treatment that’s on offer. Most patients will blindly follow authority without stopping and applying a bit of common sense. The first question a person with cancer needs to ask themselves is I need to restore my health so will chemotherapy assist me in doing that?

Chemotherapy is a chemical, a poisonous one, it was first approved for use with cancer just after the Second World War and the first agent was called nitrogen mustard, a derivative of mustard gas as used during the First World War. Following an accident it was found to have the ability to attack rapidly dividing cells in the body in which most cancer cells also are. Unfortunately the human body has many other rapidly dividing cells and the chemotherapy also attacks these. Examples are; hair follicles, the lining of the gastrointestinal tract, sperm cells and the bone marrow where stem cells and other blood cells are made.

As a treatment for cancer chemotherapy is crude and not very effective at curing someone of the problem. While our medical system claim a success rate of about 40 percent it really only helps about 5 percent of people. These are people with less common cancers like lymphomas and leukemia. The reason its ineffective is because it damages the body, especially the immune system and this is precisely the opposite that needs to take place in order for the body to heal. Also chemotherapy leaves the body in a weakened state vulnerable to other health problems.

It’s important to remember that the body’s primary defence mechanism against cancer is the immune system and it needs to be boosted, not destroyed. Also chemotherapy is in itself carcinogenic and if someone who has undergone this treatment survives for long enough, they could or will develop independent cancers that are a direct result from those earlier treatments.

Another problem with chemotherapy is drug resistance and while it may remove some of the cancer when first used, it is less effective the second time around and it invariably doesn’t work after that as the body builds up a resistance to the chemical. We are all aware of the common side effects of chemotherapy which is vomiting and hair loss but other more serious side effects are; a depletion of the white blood cells which are the mainstay of our immune system, liver and kidney toxicity, damage to the heart and permanent hearing damage.

All cancers are caused by a condition within the body which has weakened the immune system and allowed cancer to take hold. Chemotherapy doesn’t address this condition, it will only remove some of the growths and 95 percent of people who have undergone chemotherapy will have their cancer return within 5 years.

You may ask why we have chemotherapy as a treatment for cancer and unfortunately the answer is the same as why all our medicine is artificial. It’s because it pays, not because it heals and that’s why most of our drugs only control a problem and don’t cure a problem.

There are much better ways to treat cancer and the focus should be on healing the body which has allowed the cancer to first grow then allow the body to remove the cancer which it will do. The simple fact is there are genuine natural ways available for the treatment of cancer and they are safe, effective and inexpensive. The sad part about any natural treatment is because they are natural most doctors will have little to do with them.

A true cure for cancer will only be achieved when a patient stimulates their own body’s defence system and there are only natural ways to do that.