Connect with Cancer Walks and Fight Cancer

Cancer affects all of us. According to the American Cancer Society, more than 1.4 million new cases of diagnosed cancer will occur this year alone. In 2004, there were approximately 10.8 million people who had a history of cancer. Last year the cost of cancer was estimated to be over $200 Billion dollars! Cancer does affect all of us, either directly or indirectly.

Participating in one or more cancer walks in your area is a great way to join the fight against cancer and have fun at the same time. Through your participation in these cancer walk events, you can help raise funds for a worthy cause and raise public awareness about a serious disease.

One of the great things about charity walks is that almost anyone can participate. Also, walking is a fun exercise, especially when you are doing it with a group of generous people.

What are some things you should consider when selecting a charity walk?

1. Choose a walk that is a comfortable distance for you. Cancer walks range in the length of the route. Some are accomplished over reasonably short distances, while others stretch out over a few days. If you have a difficult time walking one mile, don't sign up to walk for ten miles (unless you sign up well in advance and safely work up to it). If the distance of a walk is too far for you, check to make sure that a shorter, alternate route is not also planned. This is a part of some walkathons to make sure most everyone can participate.

2. Choose a walk that supports a specific cause you are passionate about. There are many forms of cancer. Some walks are conducted to support the fight against a specific form of cancer, while other walks support organizations that address a large number of cancer diseases.

3. Choose a walk that supports a charity you are comfortable with. There are many charitable organizations raising funds through walkathons. Each is different in how they use the money raised by the event. A little research regarding the organization can give you a peace of mind about the time, energy and money you provide.

4. Don't feel you are limited to participating in one cancer walk. A significant percent of the people who participate in one walkathon are known to participate in others.

Even if you are not a cancer researcher or doctor, there is something that can be done to support the fight against cancer. Find a cancer walk near you and support it in any way you can.