Breast Cancer - Bizarre Myths About Breast Cancer Causes. Do not Get Trapped

There is a lot of false believes and misinformation about how breast cancer develops. Especially among young women concerns are big. There are some strange rumors for example that antiperspirants or even tooth paste can cause breast cancer.

Another common believe is that shaving or waxing the armpits can possibly lead to breast cancer. There is no scientific evidence that this is the case. The same is true for antiperspirants or tooth paste. Some people claim that even instant noodles are a cause for the tumor (which is not true of course).

How about breast size? Some people say that bigger breasts have a higher risk of cancer. Wrong again. What about age? Here we have some clear evidence that the age of a women is correlated with the risk of getting breast cancer. The younger you are the lower the risk. Breast cancer in women under twenty is almost non-existent. However, this does not mean that cancer can not develop at all.

What else increases the risk? Studies show that the heavier and taller you are the more risk you have to develop cancer. The risk decreases the more children you have. The earlier you get pregnant the lower the risk. It also seems that nursing reduces the risks as well.

Women tend to have fewer children today. They also get pregnat later in their life. Therefore there are more cases of breast cancer. It is also true that the better food supply and todays eating habits make us heavier and taller, another reason why cancer is more common.

Many risk factors have a hormonal background. Hormonal medication may have an impact and also sexual activity. Nuns for example, who are not sexually active, have a higher risk but mostly because they never get pregnant.

There are many things we still not know about breast cancer and how it exactly develops. Before you make decisions on rumors, always ask your doctor first and get additional data from other relevant and reliable resources.