Malignant Melanoma Prognosis?

Malignant melanoma, also known as skin cancer has a chance of curing, despite doctor's opinions. The bad news is that we are still trying to synthesize what exactly are the factors, which caused so many people to survive malignant melanoma, and completely get rid of it. If you have skin cancer, I would highly recommend that you get this brilliant e-book , and follow the instructions. People have been swearing by it, and it has changed a lot of lives.

Malignant melanoma prognosis - is it good?

It depends on the stage. In the above report, you will even hear stories of people, surviving a 4th stage melanoma cancer, and the possible things that they did, which caused them to get through the disease, and survive it. As you know, the chances of surviving a stage 4 melanoma, is still 9-15%, so it is still moderately high.

The prognosis of malignant melanoma depends almost entirely on the depth of it, formed on your skin. When melanoma has spread to the lymph nodes, it becomes a lot more dangerous. In the above report you will also hear of people who survived this kind of cancer, even with distant metastasis. Many doctors refuse to believe this, and yet they claim a 10% survival rate. Go figure. Still the melanoma prognosis is not good, unless you do something about it, and take immediate measured to cure it - and with alternative methods, because as we know current medicine is still trying to figure out how to beat this kind of cancer.