Terminal Brain Cancer Stages

If you are a regular Java junkie, then it is important to understand all of the health benefits that it can provide on a daily basis. Terminal Brain Cancer Stages It is recommended to drink coffee every day in moderation, and the ideal amount is from 2 to 3 cups per day.

A recent study has shown that women who drink a minimum of 2 cups of caffeinated coffee per day have a potentially lower risk of cancer cells in the uterus. This benefit most protects women who are obese or overweight, and the study was done on over 60,000 Swedish women regarding their coffee intake. The study took place from 1987 to 1990, and there was a follow-up in 1997. Within that time period, only 1% of the women developed endometrial cancer. The average age of the woman that was diagnosed was 67, and these results were based on women who drank a minimum of 2 cups of coffee per day. This was compared with women who drank less or no coffee on a daily basis.

Additionally, each cup of coffee that was consumed per day offered a 10% lower risk of developing endometrial cancer, with other factors that potentially caused endometrial cancer taken into account. The biggest coffee benefit was for women who were overweight, which are at the highest risk for endometrial cancer. Among the overweight women, each additional cup of coffee that was consumed decreased the risk of this cancer by 12%, and it was decreased by 20% for obese women.

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Coffee has the potential to affect fat cells, blood sugar, and estrogen, which often contribute to the development of endometrial cancer. So far, this study has not yet been proven in other populations besides Sweden, which is where this research took place. This is wonderful news for Java lovers because it again shows another benefit of your daily cup of Joe!

Coffee has a large number of health benefits, and it is also full of antioxidants. Lately, coffee has been rivaling green tea as a healthy beverage to be consumed on a daily basis due to its high antioxidant content. The benefit of antioxidants within the diet is that they will neutralize free radical damage. Free radical damage comes from a number of outside sources, like sun exposure, pollution, and smoking. When you intake antioxidants into your diet, they will neutralize this damage in your body's cells to protect from premature aging and disease.

Coffee has also been shown to decrease the risk for Alzheimer's because it strengthens the blood-brain barrier. This is the barrier that often becomes weakened with age, and it leads to the development of Alzheimer's. Since coffee strengthens this barrier and keeps it intact, regular coffee drinkers are less likely to develop Alzheimer's and dementia.

The bottom line is that you can drink coffee on a regular basis as the very best way to drink to your health and provide a number of wellness benefits!

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