First Signs Of Brain Cancer

They used chemotherapy, radiation, gave her all kinds of drugs -- and when it didn't work, they sent her home to die. When I met her, she had been given three months to live. First Signs Of Brain Cancer She needed a brain cancer cure, and fast, or it was all over for her.

Three months to live is not a long time for the body to generate a brain cancer cure, especially after what Sarah had been put through, but the body knows how to heal itself when it is given what it needs. Even so, how would a cure be able to work in three months?

Here is how the body sets about healing itself...

First, it opens up the elimination channels: that's the liver, colon, kidneys, lungs and skin. There are all kinds of symptoms that can arise when this happens, such as diarrhea, skin rashes and so forth. If these symptoms are misunderstood, they can be suppressed with medication, and that just makes it harder for the body to do its job. Sarah's brain cancer cure started here.

Then the body increases the viscosity or thickness of the blood and lymph so they can handle more waste products. There can be additional mucous generated, and an increased amount of flow of bodily fluids. At this point, you don't want to take medicine to dry things up! In fact, you want to go in the opposite direction when the case is as urgent as Sarah's. Fortunately, her family was so committed to pursuing a natural cure for her brain cancer cure that this was not an issue.

Then the body detoxifies the cells. Sometimes, this can give rise to headaches or a general feeling of malaise as the toxins are expelled from where they have been stored and moved into the blood and lymph for removal. If the previous stages have not been accomplished and the cells are detoxified but the blood, lymph and elimination channels have not been prepared for the extra load, the results can be very uncomfortable. (That's why it is important not to jump into detoxification programs without knowing what you are doing.)

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So long as the previous steps have been successfully accomplished prior to the detoxification stage, a brief period of mild discomfort is acceptable. Anything more than that is usually an indicator of auto-toxification as described above, (it's become known as the Herxheimer Effect. With Sarah, there was an urgent need for detoxification. She didn't have time to go slowly if she was going to cure brain cancer in three months!

Finally, the body modulates the immune system to kill any pathogens that are attacking it. The die-off of viruses, parasites, bacteria, other pathogens, and cancer cells puts additional strain on the body's transport system (the blood and lymph) and also requires that the elimination channels be working well in order to avoid further auto-toxification.

That's it! It's not complicated. That is the four step process the body uses to take care of itself. Sarah's brain cancer cure followed exactly those same four steps. It was a four step natural cure plan designed to support and amplify the body's progression through its own basic program.

When the body cannot complete this process, it gets sick. The main things that get in its way are de-hydration, lack of oxygen, and poor nutrition, all of which contribute to an over-acidic environment and build-up of toxins faster than the body can cope with them in a healthy way.

So a person may need better hydration, better oxygenation, better nutrition, emotional support, hope - these are key things that contribute to overcoming an illness. Sarah needed all of them if she was going to cure brain cancer. She was a young girl but she was out of balance in many areas. I had to help her completely detoxify, improve her nutrition, and alkalize her body. I showed her how to support her body through the four essential steps to a cure - and fast!
The bottom line is she didn't pass away in three months. In fact, she was cancer free for nearly six years. But she is not alive today.

She took her cancer-free status for granted and she decided that "I'm free to do whatever I want now, I'm cancer free. I can go back to colas, pizza, processed food, pasta..." I'm not against pizza and pasta, but when you have a serious health challenge, you can't eat processed food. You need live, energizing food: fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, sprouts, and legumes. You need non-toxic organic food. You can't go out and eat toxic food.

Sarah went back to doing what she did prior to acquiring brain cancer. The brain cancer came back and took her life.

What does this tell us about natural cures?

First, and most fundamentally, it tells us that to be healthy, we need to stop doing things that are known to cause disease and start doing things that are known to help us overcome disease. I can teach people how to overcome diseases and health challenges, how to become healthy, but they have to stop creating disease. If we stop creating it, disease does not exist.

Second, it illustrates that natural cures are a process, not an event. They come about when we give the body a chance to get healthy. If we want to stay healthy, there is no turning back - especially if we are dealing with life-threatening illness.

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