Pick A Fight With Cancer

From parenting teens to negotiating office politics, it is widely known that you should choose your fights carefully. But there is one fight every Canadian should pick – the fight against cancer.

"Right now, we're calling on all Ontarians to get out their fighting spirit and become aRelay For Lifefighter in their communities," says Sandra Harris, director ofRelay For Life, for the Canadian Cancer Society in Ontario. "By giving 12 hours to the fight against cancer, as part of the biggest cancer event in the country, participants can add years to the lives of others."

Relay For Lifeis an unique and unforgettable way to pick a fight with cancer. During the annual 12-hour, overnight event, fighters – participants, survivors and volunteers – rally together to celebrate the lives of those who are battling cancer, remember loved ones lost to cancer, and fight back against the disease. They take turns walking, running or strolling around a track and with each step, they fight back against cancer. This year, an estimated 80,000 people in more than 200 events across Ontario will register asRelay For Lifefighters.

"I have so many favourite moments from the 10 years I've participated inRelay For Life," says Michael Hale, a germ cell cancer survivor from the Ottawa area. "From my firstRelaywhen my friends surrounded the track and cheered me on, to years later walking the Survivor's Victory Lap with my little girl after I had feared for years I'd never get the chance to have children. Most of all, I love smiling at the faces in the survivor's tent every year and sharing an unspoken 'we did it.'"

Each community'sRelay For Lifefeatures three popular elements designed to give hope and inspiration to everyone fighting cancer. The events begin with the inaugural Survivors' Victory Lap, where a large group of cancer survivors leads the way around the track as a celebration of courage and strength. At twilight, candles bearing the names of cancer survivors – along with those who have lost the battle against the disease – are lit as part of the moving Luminary Ceremony. At dawn, there is a Fight Back Ceremony where participants commit to celebrating, remembering and fighting back 365 days a year.

Since 1999,Relay For Lifehas raised more than $107 million in Ontario to fight cancer by preventing it from happening in the first place; outsmarting it through research; and empowering, informing, supporting and improving the quality of life for Canadians living with cancer.

• Overall, the number of new cases of cancer and deaths continues to increase as our population grows and ages.

• On average 3,300 Canadians will be diagnosed with cancer every week.

• Approximately two in five Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetimes and approximately one out of every four Canadians will die from the disease.

• The breast cancer death rate has declined by more than 30 per cent since 1986.

• The prostate cancer death rate has declined significantly since 1995.

• Since 1985 childhood cancer death rates have declined by about 50 per cent.

More information and tools to register for the event can be found at .