The "non-profit" American Cancer Society(ACS)  holds an outrageous amount of $1 billion dollars in cash and equivalents. Why is a non-profit society holding such an enormous amount of their donations in cash?

In 1995, the Wall Street Journal found that the  Arizona chapter had spent 95% of public donations on paying their own salaries and overhead, and had falsely fabricated the amount that they spent on patient services by ten times the actual amount. In 2007, Dan Wiant of the Chicago chapter was arrested by the FBI for transferring $7 million of donations to his own Swiss bank account under the pretext of research grants. In 1985, Miriam Grubard, the head of the New York chapter, was indicted on tax fraud charges relating to donators receiving fraudulent tax deductions. As a national society that has no control over its many state chapters, I wonder how much of the $1 billion in annual national donations is truthfully spent on helping defeat cancer.

On the ACS website, chemotherapy treatment is at the very top of the list followed by radiation therapy.  They state that "Mainstream cancer treatments such as radiation, chemotherapy, and surgery can be unpleasant. But they have been scientifically tested and proven to work for treating cancer."

But on the contrary side of that argument is Dr. Ulrich Abel.  He is a biostatitician, specializing in cancer research that completed one of the most exhaustive statistical studies on chemotherapy.  His conclusion of the chemotherapy research that had been performed was described by one word: "appalling". He stated that the faith in the effectiveness of chemotherapy could not be substantiated by science.

Take one more step down this shady trail and you find AstraZeneca.  AstraZeneca is a pharmaceutical company that had cancer related sales of $5 billion in 2008. It was formerly owned by Imperial Chemical Industries, an international producer of industrial chemicals and carcinogenic pesticides. It has pledged $10 million to the ACS to create 50 cancer patient sites throughout the U.S., to help  cancer patients receive AstraZeneca cancer products.

So in summary, we have a chemical company that created cancer causing carcinogenic chemicals, transforming itself into a multibillion dollar cancer treatment company, that is now in partnership with a non-profit cancer organization prone to fraud, to send cancer patients to jointly created treatment facilities that sell its own cancer products. Are you suspicious yet?

"We have a multi-billion dollar industry that is killing people, right and left, just for financial gain. Their idea of research is to see whether two doses of this poison is better than three doses of that poison."           Glen Warner, M.D., Oncologist

There so many questionable ethical breeches involved here that one has to question what the true purpose of the American Cancer Society is.  Are they guiding cancer patients to the safest and most effective treatments available or are they simply giving them the most profitable treatments without regard to what is best for the patient?