A monumental event in the fight against cancer occurred in 1931 when Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Peace Prize for his work on respiratory enzymes. This probably means very little to anyone afflicted by mesothelioma but it has massive implications.  Here's why.

Dr. Warburg discovered that when a normal healthy cell has had its oxygen intake reduced by an amount greater than 35%, it converts into a cancer cell.  The cancer cell is different from a normal cell in that instead of consuming oxygen and other nutrients for its energy needs, it only consumes (ferments) sugar (glucose) and considers oxygen toxic.

The body loses its ability to absorb oxygen when it encounters carcinogenic toxins such as pesticides, fertilizers and asbestos. In beginning the healing process from cancer, one must eliminate any further exposure to toxins.

The next step is to increase the body's ability to absorb oxygen. By increasing the oxygen uptake, you further prevent any healthy cells from converting into cancerous cells.  Cancer cells also require an acidic environment (low pH level).  But when you flood the body with oxygen, the pH level increases to produce an alkaline environment and the cancer cells are basically suffocated with oxygen.

Warburg's research found that enzymes found in our everyday foods increased the oxygen levels in cells.  One of those enzymes is cytohemin which is found in the beet root.  Many of us have had pickled beets but it is more effective to eat beets raw than cooking them because there is a risk of the enzymes being broken down (denaturation) by heat and vinegar.

Many people have found that after eating raw beets or fresh beet juice, their energy increases.  In one study at the University of Exeter's School of Sport and Health Sciences in the U.K., Professor Andrew Jones reported:

"We were amazed by the effects of beet juice on oxygen uptake because these effects cannot be achieved by any other known means, including training."

This is just one example of how a simple change in diet, by eating raw beets, can help you fight cancer.