Why Your Bad Breath Literally Disgusts Other People

There's nothing worse than bad breath. Frankly, it's likely one of THE most unpleasant personal issue anyone could suffer from because, if you have it, you quite literally make the people around you feel physically sick!

Yes, really! One of the basic human emotions is disgust: whenever you come upon anything that might be infectious or harmful, you recoil, wrinkle your nose up, and perhaps even gag. These reactions are all signs of disgust and they are all automatic. You haven't got any control over them. They are all actions that your brain is telling your body to do in an attempt to escape from what it sees as the source of possible infection or disease.

Some examples of the chemical compounds that have been detected in bad breath includehydrogen sulfide, which smells just like rotten eggs;skatole, which smells just like feces; andputrescine, which has an odor like rotten meat! If you have bad breath, it doesn't matter at all if a particular person thinks you are the most fantastic person they have ever met because, the minute their brain detects any of these noxious odors, it perceives the presence of possible sources of infection and literally FORCES their body to recoil in disgust. In other words: Their brain recognizes your bad breath as a possible SERIOUS THREAT to their physical health and well-being! That's the reason other people turn away... take a step back... and cover their nose and mouth whenever you're near them.

For this reason, far from being just a minor irritation or nuisance, bad breath can cripple your self-esteem, and your confidence. It can completely destroy your relationship with your family and friends by switching their brain into a survival mode. It can often ruin marriages too: nobody wants to kiss someone with bad breath for the rest of their life; looking at it from the point of view of their brain, they may as well try to kiss a piece of dog turd!

It's also the number one turn off in almost any dating situation (much more so than body odor). In fact, in a survey by the BDA (British Dental Association) in the UK, bad breath was considered the MOST unappealing problem anyone can ever have!

It has drastic implications on the job-front as well: if you walk into an interview, and the interviewer happens to get the smell of your bad breath, it will set off alarm bells in their mind. On the surface of things, they might think you have a terrific resume and that you may well be suited for the position, however, inside their head, their brain will be yelling at them to get away from the "source of infection" sitting across from them (that's you!). Although they're very unlikely to consciously consider bad breath as a reason not to offer the position to you, the fact that you invoked such an intense automatic (and very negative) response in them is going to sway their opinion considerably.