Clear Braces: an Attractive Option for Adults

Many people, especially adults, find the idea of wearing traditional braces so unappealing that they would rather live their entire lives with poorly aligned teeth than spend a year or two with a mouth full of metal. This can prove to be problematic, since poorly aligned teeth can lead to more serious dental issues down the road.

Fortunately, modern dental technology now offers an appealing alternative to traditional braces. Clear braces provide you with an opportunity to correct your teeth’s alignment in a way that will hardly be noticeable to others. The most popular clear braces system available today is the Invisalign® system.

Difference Between Invisalign® and Traditional Braces

Traditional braces use brackets, wires, springs, and elastics to apply the force necessary to realign your teeth. Invisalign clear braces use a series of clear, removable molds to apply the force needed to shift your teeth into alignment. They are generally more comfortable than traditional braces since they are made out of a plastic mold and don’t poke, jab, or irritate your teeth.

Am I a Candidate?

Invisalign clear braces are generally ideal for adults with minor-to-moderate tooth misalignments. Teenagers whose adult teeth are not yet fully formed are not candidates for Invisalign.

Invisalign is not for people with:

· Severely rotated teeth

· Severely tipped teeth

· Deep overbites

· Skeletally based malocclusions

· Tooth spacing greater than 6mm per arch

· Insufficient discipline to wear their aligners all the time

Invisalign Process

If your dentist determines that you are a good candidate, he will first take photos, x-rays, impressions and a bite registration of your mouth. These are then digitally manipulated to construct a 3D model of your teeth, which will generate a computerized simulation of your treatment sequence.

Once your dentist approves this treatment sequence, a series of aligners are designed for the various treatment stages of your teeth. You will generally wear each aligner for about two weeks before moving on to the next one. It usually takes between 20-30 aligners to complete the process.

At first, your aligner will fit your teeth poorly. This poor fit will exert pressure on your teeth so that they gradually shift to the desired position. Each aligner will only produce a small shift in your teeth. However, the total effect of all of the aligners will create a substantial shift.

Your aligners should be worn for approximately 20-22 hours a day. You can remove them for eating, drinking, and brushing your teeth. You can also remove them for special occasions, but this is not advisable. The less you wear your aligners, the greater the chance for complications in the realignment process.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Clear Braces

There are many distinct advantages of the Invisalign clear braces system. Some of them are:

· Less noticeable to others

· Removable, which allows for better oral hygiene

· Less irritating to teeth

· Requires less frequent visits to your dentists for adjustments

There are also a few disadvantages to this process. It is not an ideal method of treatment for all misalignment problems. Some of the disadvantages include:

· Interferes with normal speech

· Requires discipline from the patient to wear aligners all the time

· Prohibits any new dental restorations during the process

· More expensive