White Tooth Fillings for a Toothy Grin

The materials and methods used by dentists have improved by leaps and bounds. For instance, the tooth fillings have become a lot more customisable. This means, dentists can modify their shape, size and colour to meet any requirements. One example of this is white fillings or tooth coloured fillings.

These white fillings can be customised to fill gaps found between teeth; to fix a damaged tooth or reshape it to make it look even. In the process of filling, dentists clean the decayed part of the tooth and fill the resultant cavity with a filling material. Besides white fillings, some other materials used to fill teeth are an amalgam, gold, porcelain and a composite resin.

Despite so many options, the white fillings have become highly popular among people. This is primarily because the white fillings have some distinct advantages over the other materials used. For one, the white fillings give your teeth a natural look. This means, the fillings actually resemble the original enamel of your teeth. So, you can smile, talk and eat without worrying that people may realize you underwent any dental treatment. For instance, if one of your front teeth has suffered some damage or is decayed, you can easily restore them with white fillings and no one will even know the difference.

The other advantage white fillings have is that they do not require much time to be attached to the patient's tooth. In normal circumstances, just a single sitting of about an hour with the dentist is sufficient. The other dental restoration materials require the removal of a fair bit of the healthy part of the tooth to fit them in. In comparison, white fillings bond with the teeth easily. This eliminates the need to remove a large section of the healthy part of the tooth.

White filling is also temperature resistant and does not get affected by extreme temperatures. In addition, it does not cause any side effects like allergy, which might happen when other dental restoration materials are used. Simply put, white fillings are ideal dental restoration materials.