Dentist Marketing and Advertising Ideas

In the world of dentistry, dentists are consumed with ways to increase their new patient count. There are the typical advertising venues such as the yellow pages, your local newspapers, and chamber of commerces. Those do well for dentists, but there are other ideas that can greatly increase the new patient count for dentists. Some of those ideas: The local welcoming service- A great way to introduce your practice to new families that have just moved into the community. New families are looking for a dentist, why not your practice. Another great idea is that of network groups in the community. These networks are a great way to make friends, spread the word of who you are and what you do. The third thing that I have seen that works quite well in our day and age is the internet. You must have a website today to survive the competition of other dentists.
Ok so you have a website? Are you getting any calls from the website? I doubt it. You must have the site optimized. SEO companies are great to help optimize your site, build links for your site, and make sure the content is best suited for the search engines. You will then see new patients from your website!
The last idea that I have personally seen work quite well for increasing new patient counts for dentists is that of advertising online in directories. You have directories such as, ,, and many others. The directories online can be a great place to acquire new patients, mainly because the positioning of the directory is so good. They also do not cost a lot of money. In summary these are some great ideas that can quickly build your dental practice.