Fish Oil and Acne - What is the Role of Omega 3 Fatty Acids in Vanishing Your Acne?

If you are one of those people who have to shoulder the burden of pain and humiliation of acne outbreaks you must be pleased to know of stories linking fish oil and acne . It could be that you have been suffering from acne for quite some time already, and for sure you know how it feels every time there's an outbreak. In many cases acne blemishes can be so bad that you'd probably find yourself wishing that fairy tales would come true and that you could readily call on your fairy godmother to erase the blemishes in one sweep of her magic wand.

Yet, that is not to be, of course. The thing with acne, is that it's difficult to treat, and that it always has the tendency to recur. This can be really frustrating and can get you depressed. But you can't give up hope, yet, not without trying fish oil first.

You might think it's strange as you probably never heard of fish oil and acne before, but there are enough evidences to prove that a link is, indeed, possible. By now, you must know that oil from fish is blessed with Omega-3 fatty acids. Then again, so what, right? What do these Omega-3 do, anyway? Well, research has it that these essential fatty acids help in brain development, maintaining good heart health, and reducing inflammation, among so many others. Since there is skin inflammation with acne, taking Omega-3 fatty acids would therefore help in reducing the inflammation. Not only that, Omega-3 has also been found to help control the production of sebum, which in the case of acne, is being overly produced by the body. Limit the production of sebum and you'll minimize acne outbreaks, too.

Now, you might ask, where in the world can you find these Omega-3 fatty acids? Omega-3s are not produced by the body, so you have to get them elsewhere, and fish happens to have them in great quantities. It's not that fish themselves produce these essential fats. What actually happens is that over time, these fats accumulate in the body and system of the fish by coming in close contact with other sources, and that's how they get to have Omega-3 fatty acids in abundance. Needless to say, the Omega-3s are responsible for the health benefits of fish oil.

It's rather unfortunate that most varieties of fish today are contaminated with toxins, mercury and lead among them, and this makes their consumption in large amounts dangerous to your health. Many years ago, eating fish daily was pretty much okay, but now, a better idea would be to take molecularly distilled fish oil with Omega-3 supplements everyday and to eat fish only twice or thrice a week.

Fish oil is no fairy godmother, though, so don't expect the acne blemishes to vanish overnight. In fact, it can take some time before you can see the results. Nonetheless, while fish oil and acne is not a fairy tale, the story can have a happy ending.

And now, I invite you to visit where you will discover the purest, the freshest and the safest omega-3 fish oil available. Whether you want to get rid of your acne or not, just visit the site and you'll see what I mean!