At Home Teeth Whitening- Dentist Recommendations

At Home Teeth Whitening

At home teeth whitening has become much more popular recently, and with good reason. At home whitening kits have come a long way in a short space of time and you can now get a professional quality finish for very little (for the price of shipping actually, but more on that later).

Our modern diets are causing massive discoloration of our teeth. Most of us recognise the need to bring back the natural color of our teeth, but it is very difficult to know how to go about it.

Allow us to guide you through the ins and outs of home whitening.


Previously, whitening was carried out using gels or strips and were both messy and difficult to apply. They often resulted in an uneven, unnatural finish. There was also a problem with the color of the finish, as the result would often be a very unnatural white. Recent developments however, has seen all this turned on its head. Read on to find out more.

What Do The Dentists Recommend?

It is very important that you buy a product that has been recommended by dentists. Unfortunately these are hard to find. We have tested a lot of different whiteners and our customers have given thousands of reviews on various products. There is one product that has come out on top time and time again. This whitener excells above all others, the key points being:

Ease of use

It's applied using a 'whitening pen'. This makes it vastly easier to use than most other products.

Quality of Finish

We love the color it gives to our clients teeth. It's perfectly natural and gives them an amazing smile!


It's  perfectly safe to use on your teeth, unlike a lot of other products out there. You won't find that in the sales blurb!


You pay a little more than similar products, but it does a far superior job. It's that old saying, you get what you pay for.

The product is known as 'Extreme Whitener'. It's the pick of the bunch and this is what we always recommend.

******************IMPORTANT UPDATE**************************************

The company has started running a limited promotion and is giving away FREE PENS for the rest of this week!

To grab one of these for yourself click this link:

******************IMPORTANT UPDATE*************************************************

I hope you have found this guide useful. Thanks for reading.