Instant Orthodontics Can Straighten Teeth Much Faster Than Braces

When you hear the word “orthodontics” you may immediately think of braces, years of discomfort to straighten your teeth, and then years of wearing a retainer to keep that smile beautiful. Well, for most people, straightening teeth requires none of that anymore. Cosmetic dentists are now using instant orthodontics to straighten teeth with much less discomfort and unsightly equipment in our mouths.

Instant orthodontics , like the kind performed for Braintree, Massachusetts cosmetic dentistry patients, involves the application of porcelain veneers .

If you have small gaps between your front teeth, or small chips or stains, or if one of those front teeth is a little crooked, porcelain veneers might be the best and quickest way to correct all of your dental problems at once.

What are Porcelain Veneers?
Porcelain is a dental ceramic material and is brittle when standing alone. But when it’s shaped and bonded to your tooth’s surface by an experienced cosmetic dentist , it becomes part of that tooth. It then provides a stronger, more stain-resistant surface than the tooth had originally. Instead of taking years, your new, beautiful smile can be realized in just two visits, not counting the initial consultation and a follow-up visit later on.

The Procedure
In your initial consultation where all your questions will be answered, and your treatments discussed, you can schedule the rest of your visits.

In your first veneers visit, your teeth will be ever so slightly shaved down to accommodate the veneers, and then a mold, or impression, will be taken of your teeth. Your dentist will send it to the dental lab that will fabricate the veneers. This process takes about two weeks.

In your second visit, your dentist will bond the veneers to your teeth. At first he’ll place them temporarily. You and he will assess how they look and feel, and he’ll make any minor adjustments necessary such as slightly reducing their size, or modifying their thickness in places. When you’re both satisfied, he will bond them permanently and they will now be a part of your teeth.