Toothache Remedies - 5 Common Foods That Can Stop the Pain and Even Cure a Toothache

Surprisingly there are many foods that can be used as natural toothache remedies.

You probably have at least one -- probably more -- of these in your house right now, so you really can get instant relief.

Best "Natural Toothache Remedy" of All

Of course, the best of all 'natural remedies' is to take good care of your teeth.

So, remember to rinse your mouth regularly, especially after meals. Regularly brush and floss. And otherwise follow good oral hygiene.

However, even the most diligent of us can fall victim to the occasional toothache pain. Try these natural remedies before you reach for an over-the-counter medication and while your are waiting to make a trip to the dentist.

5 Common Foods That Can Stop the Pain and act as Natural Toothache Remedies

1. Salt- You don't get any more "common" than salt.  A good salt water mouthwash helps get rid of tooth infection and can help to cure a toothache. A thorough rinsing of the mouth with salt water is important at all times and should be a regular part of your oral health routine.

2. Hot Pepper Powder- Adding a pinch of hot pepper powder to the salt is also a good idea -- if you can stand the heat. Pepper powder can have a nice numbing effect when you rub it on your gums.

3. Garlic- Placing a clove of garlic with a pinch of salt on the affected tooth helps relieve the pain. Garlic has antibacterial properties that kill the germs in the mouth.

4. Onions- Exactly the same use and effect as garlic.

5. Lime Juice- Lime Juice is a rich source of vitamin C and can help prevents tooth decay and also provides toothache pain relief.

These are the most common foods that have a pain relieving effect and act as natural toothache remedies.  But there are many more foods that you may have in your house -- or are very easy to find -- that you can try.

Not every food or cure is going to work for every person or every pain.  Everyone is different and there are many different causes of toothache and mouth pain.  So the best thing to do is to try different remedies until you find the one that works for you and your toothache.

The best things about these natural toothache remedies is that they are common, harmless and easy to try.  So you can easily try them all until you find the right one for you.