How to Avoid Teeth Stains

As we age, we develop wrinkles, age spots and unwanted body fat. However, those are not the only areas of our body which age. Many of us don’t know that our teeth also age. As we get older, the outer layer of our tooth enamel wears away. This means that the underlying layer, called dentin, becomes visible. This particular layer of teeth is much more yellow. Since we can’t really avoid the aging process, we should at least try to minimize the possibility of developing additional discoloration on our teeth.

One way to reduce stains on the teeth is to quit smoking. This may seem like a huge hassle for some, but it will go a long way when it comes down to whiter teeth. The nicotine in cigarettes leaves brown stains on the enamel. These stains are almost impossible to remove with brushing. Furthermore, smoking causes bad bread, the gum disease known as gingivitis, and it increases the risk of developing oral cancers.

Some foods and drinks which can easily stain white teeth include: coffee, tea, dark sodas, wine, dark fruit juices (cranberry), and dark colored fruit (blackberries, blueberries, beats). So does that mean that we should avoid these foods and drinks? Absolutely not! You simply have to make sure that you can brush your teeth or rinse out your mouth with water immediately after consuming these products. Another product which surprisingly has teeth staining capabilities is antibacterial mouthwash. The mouthwash brands which contain chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride are known to cause stains on teeth. So if you want to keep your pearly whites their brightest, just remember to practice good dental hygiene. If you know that you will be consuming food staining foods or drinks, simply make sure that you have a toothbrush handy. Preventing stains from forming is much easier than trying to get them out later.