Bad breath or commonly referred to as halitosis, is a very embarrassing condition and those who suffer from it would usually have a very difficult social life. Forget about getting a date, talking to people or trying to be close to them is already hard enough no thanks to your smelly breath which would either make them crinkle in disgust or turn them away completely. Basically you would feel as if you’ve been slapped right in the face whenever you try to speak to someone. It’s extremely depressing and I can very much relate to this, so I’ve decided to share a few simple bad breath remedies which can hopefully produce positive results for fellow sufferers.

1. Brush your teeth regularly – Bacteria feed on food particles stuck or hidden between the teeth and as a result of this, sulfur compounds are created which cause unpleasant odor in your breath. Regular brushing especially after every meal can help remove food particles from your teeth thus preventing bacteria from creating sulfur compounds. It is highly recommended that you brush your teeth with toothpaste that contains chlorine dioxide which is a highly effective chemical compound for treating bad breath.

2. Gum stimulator – This is a definitely one of the best way to remove food particles from your mouth which can cause bad breath. Regular string-like floss can be a dud because you would inevitably miss a few teeth when flossing with them but not likely so with gum stimulator. If you have no idea what a gum stimulator is or how it looks like, no worries. Simply drive or walk to the nearest store and head over to the ‘Health and Beauty sections’. Now that’s where you would normally find some. They are basically these little sticks with small teardrops on each end. Using them to floss your teeth is so much more effective compared to the typical string floss.

3. Consume sugarless yogurt – According to a study by Dr. Kenichi Hojo of Tsurumi University which was detailed at 83rd of General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, sugarless yogurt has the ability to considerably reduce odor producing compound like hydrogen sulfide. Hydrogen sulfide is a major culprit of many bad breath cases. So what are you waiting for? Go and have some yogurt! What better way to cure bad breath than with something as tasty as a cup of sugarless yogurt?

4. Drink plenty of water – It is a well know fact that dry mouth can lead to unpleasant breath. You should always keep yourself hydrated by drinking plenty of water. You want to avoid bacteria from thriving in your mouth otherwise; you’ll get bad breath very quickly. When you are properly hydrated, you produce more saliva which helps prevent bacteria from flourishing.

5. Tea – What can I do to stop to bad breath? By drinking a cup of warm tea? You bet! Believe it or not tea can actually help you in your quest to combat bad breath. Certain compounds in tea such as polyphenols, theaflavins, and catechins are highly effective against bacteria growth which can cause bad breath.