If a Manual Toothbrush Isn't Enough, is an Electric Toothbrush Any Better?

Proper brushing and flossing is the best and simplest way to prevent gum disease. If you are suffering from a severe condition, you must see your dentist, immediately, to have a complete check up.

If you're just trying to keep your teeth healthy, then it makes sense to talk to your dentist about the best oral hygiene care routine to implement at home.

Good oral hygiene makes you look good and it is quite important for your general health as a whole. With poor oral hygiene you might develop a number of dental and medical problems like, dental decay, tartar, gingivitis and periodontitis and more.

Regular visits to dentists and hygienists can prevent these conditions, as well as provide you with a great oral hygiene.

When I've been to the dentist in the past, they've always had to work at scraping away the plaque in the areas I tend to brush poorly. I definitely don't like that sound of metal scratching at my teeth!

Plaque or calculus can be removed professionally, by way of scaling, by a dentist or hygienist.

Many health experts believe heart attacks and strokes can be contributed to by gum diseases. A regular dental cleaning every 6 months not only keep your teeth and gums healthy, but could possibly reduce any risk of oral cancer, heart disease and strokes. It has been noticed in the past, that people with diabetes often have some form of gum disease, due to high blood glucose. So they must be extra careful, to ensure proper brushing and flossing techniques, in order to prevent any gum disease.

You can see that good care of your teeth is not just good for oral health, it's good for your whole body.

Since I didn't enjoy that scaling-scraping from the dental hygienist, I asked my dentist if I should pick up an electric toothbrush at the store. He said "Yes! But not just any old electric toothbrush." He recommended a Sonicare brush . Sonicare toothbrushes use a super-fast vibrating head to brush away plaque, and they emit a pulsing sound wave that helps break up and loosen the plaque.

It's a powerful combination. My teeth were definitely cleaner on my next visit. They felt cleaner, too. Even better than looking good, I know they're staying healthy.