Cosmetic Dentistry: Perfect Combination of Medical Science and Art

Deciding to go to a dentist is a tough decision to make for most Americans. The teeth are by far the most neglected part of our body, though we consciously or unconsciously put it to use every other moment. From chewing food to smiling, having a good set of teeth is what everybody secretly desires. However, if you want that perfect set of teeth or a smile like a Hollywood celebrity, cosmetic dentistry can be the answer.

Cosmetic dentistry is a combination of science and art that works to provide us with perfect dental health. Achieving that perfectly aligned set of teeth and a glistening white, picture-perfect smile is now possible with newer technological developments in cosmetic dentistry. There are a lot of things cosmetic dentistry can do for you.

* Bonding

It is an inexpensive procedure in which bonding materials, especially resin (called composite resin), can be so shaped and colored so as to match an original tooth. It is used to repair chipped or broken teeth, or enhance the appearance of discolored tooth.

* Cosmetic contouring

Misaligned and crooked teeth can cause lot of problems, ranging from tooth-ache, migraines, jaw dislocations, snoring, chewing problems, etc. Cosmetic contouring involves a process where the dentist gently and gradually reshapes teeth to correct various structural (Orthodontic) defects like overbite, cross-bite, under-bite, over-jet or simply overlapping, cracked or chipped tooth. The dentist applies various tools like braces, elastics other intra-oral devices and even jaw surgery to reshape the teeth contour. This is a long term treatment. Cosmetic contouring gives you a perfectly aligned set of teeth.

* Cosmetic filling

It involves sealing cavities in teeth, which often are very painful, with teeth-colored ceramic fillings. Previously dentists used silver amalgams which looked very odd. Cosmetic filling has countered this problem efficiently.

* Porcelain veneers

Veneers are thin layers of restorative materials that are specially designed to cover a tooth. For the veneer to stay permanently on a tooth, a small amount of enamel is buffed away before coating it with veneer. Veneers are used to cover discolored teeth, bridge gaps, replace broken teeth, etc. Unlike bonding, porcelain veneers are not susceptible to stains and normal wear and tear.

* Whitening

This is the most common form of cosmetic dentistry. Dentists can whiten your teeth in a way that you cannot achieve with over-the-counter whitening products.

In cosmetic dentistry, a dentist can apply a single product or a combination of more than one method to give you a perfect smile and a healthy set of teeth. Visit more details on cosmetic dentistry.