Cosmetic Dentistry

More and more people are becoming open to undergoing cosmetic dentistry to boost up their confidence and to attain that charming and unforgettable smile. There is indeed a huge impact made by first impressions, and amongst the most important elements of that impressive first impression is the smile. A person’s oral condition tells much about him or her. The condition of the teeth even in the aesthetic aspect could inarguably affect the day-to-day life. Therefore, in today’s setting, dentistry is no longer only about pulling out or filing a hole in a tooth. It has become an important resort to improve one’s appearance and boost self-esteem and, consequently, many other areas in one’s life.

There are now numerous procedures and treatments that one can choose from to achieve exactly what he or she wants with their pearly whites. However, selecting such procedure does not mean it can be done without the dentist’s advice. Most dentists are willing to discuss with their patients the best options in terms of expenses and favourable results. The following are simple descriptions of some of the most common procedures considered as cosmetic dentistry:

Teeth Whitening: Teeth often get stained from smoking, food, drink (coffee, tea, or red wine) or poor oral hygiene and some people born with darker shades of teeth can now lighten them without having to remove the teeth’s natural outer layers. The procedure is very quick, where tiny laser beams are shone on the teeth that have been applied with whitening chemicals. The laser speeds the whitening process and can lighten the teeth to up to six shades.

White Fillings: To save a cavity damaged tooth, dentists sometimes suggest filling it rather than extracting. These are for cases wherein the holes are not yet too big and deep. White composite fillings are preferred by more people over the silver amalgam because of its appearance and other benefits. We get to select the fillings made of porcelain or a composite material that closely matches with the colour of the teeth, thus maintaining the natural appearance of the teeth and smile. Many people have got their older fillings replaced with newer, tooth-colored fillings to enhance their oral appearance.

Bridges: An alternative for removable dentures, especially for those who have only one or two missing teeth are bridges. This is done by crowning two teeth on either side of the gap where a false tooth or teeth are attached in between the two crowns.

Crowns: Crowns are tooth coverings that can be made of porcelain and special kinds of metal. Crowns are designed for different purposes and a thorough discussion with the dentist can help a lot.

There are so many more procedures under cosmetic dentistry and getting the best and most appropriate one can only be done by having a discussion with your dentist. Amongst the other procedures are orthodontics, veneers, correcting the “bite,” and jewels. Yes, even small pieces of jewelry can now be implanted on the teeth.
Among many other advantages of cosmetic dentistry, a beautiful smile is the most significant. It makes us feel younger and full of youth.