Orthodontic Treatment - Straighten Crooked Teeth

Advanced orthodontic treatment can straighten crooked teeth and enhance your appearance by making use of corrective appliances such as braces and retainers.

Effective Method to Straighten Your Twisted Teeth

With the advancement in technologyorthodontic treatmentfor straightening crooked teeth has become more innovative. Detachable invisible braces that are used nowadays, apart from straightening the teeth, also rectify almost all dental orthodontic irregularities. These include irregular bite problems such as overbites, underbites, crossbites, and correcting problems related with widely spaced and overcrowded teeth. The various orthodontic braces that can be used to reposition teeth include the most modern clear invisible plastic braces, ceramic tooth colored braces and conventional metal braces.

In order to move the teeth to a straighter and more accurate position using braces mild pressure is applied. To facilitate easy movement of the teeth towards the precise position, these braces are provided with elastic bands. Most of these braces are to be replaced by a fresh set every two weeks so as to achieve better results.

Significant Aspects of the Treatment

The normal time required for completing the treatment is about one to two years. Slight variations are likely to occur depending on the intensity of the problem. In between the treatment session the patient is required to consult the orthodontist every four to eight weeks. The doctor can then make a close examination of the improvement attained through the treatment and also make necessary alterations according to the fresh requirements.

After the completion of the treatment the patient is asked to wear retainers. The retainers help to hold the straightened teeth in position until the gum and bones around them are stabilized.

Always Consult an Expert Orthodontist

When you are planning to undergo orthodontic treatment for straightening crooked teeth, make sure to avail of the services of an expert orthodontist. It is essential to reveal your objectives and expected results from the treatment to the orthodontist. Only then can the orthodontist choose the appropriate orthodontic solutions that would ensure noticeable results.