Are you a denture wearer worried about zinc in your denture cream?

If you are a denture wearer and you are online much, you may be thinking about the safety of your denture cream.  Who hasn't read something about the zinc in denture adhesive? Some denture creams have recently been linked to neurological problems, including peripheral neuropathy, a nerve disorder than can caused pain, numbness and tingling in the extremities.

Some denture creams contain zinc, a mineral that is necessary for health, and in small amounts is beneficial. However, large amounts can lead to hyperzincemia, which can cause neurological problems, and in severe cases, even death. A study done at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas and published in the journal Neurology in August 2008 reported on 4 patients who suffered neuropathy and other neurological side effects associated with zinc poisoning. They noted that one tube of denture cream should last 3 - 10 weeks, but these patients were all using at least two tubes of denture adhesive a week. Interestingly, the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) currently does not require manufacturers to list ingredients or disclose potential health risks.

If you use denture adhesive, you may be wondering what you should do.  The problem is that denture cream can be dissolved by  saliva or by liquids you may drink.  If your denture adhesive contains zinc, you wind up swallowing it.  The more denture cream you use, the more zinc you get.  Since denture adhesive is not required to list ingredients, it is difficult to even ascertain if you are actually being exposed to zinc.

In response to this situation many manufacturer are now scrambling to come up with a product that does not contain zinc.  One European manufacturer appears to have succeeded in this.  They have created a patented, non water-soluble denture adhesive using safe materials like those used as the base of chewing gums.  It creates a strong, long lasting bond with the gums and being non water soluble it doesn't dissolve in the mouth and you never swallow any of it.  Interestingly enough, they list ingredients on the package.

By turning to a denture adhesive that does not contain zinc, you can have peace of mind.  No need to worry about how much zinc you are ingesting.  You can feel secure about your denture cream.

By Eileen Sheets