Laser Dentistry Treats Fever Blisters And Gum Disease

More and more dentists are offering their patients the latest advances in laser dentistry techniques to treat a whole host of dental and mouth issues including gum disease and, oddly enough, even fever blisters.

Gum disease explained

Gum disease (also called periodontal disease) can occur in teenagers and adults and is a condition where naturally occurring, yet bacteria-infested, plaque builds up on the tissues and bones of teeth. When this plaque is not removed through frequent flossing and brushing and regular dental visits, the result is infection and potentially serious damage to the gums and teeth.

Fever blisters explained

Fever blisters (also called cold sores) are painful, visible and embarrassing inflammations that occur on the lips which are caused by the common Herpes simplex I virus. In some cases they can also be located on the gum area inside the mouth. These blisters are contagious and can be spread through skin to skin contact.

Modern laser dentistry explained

There are many different types of laser dentistry devices used by dentists today. One system that is gaining popularity is Waterlase ®, developed by Biolase Technology, Inc. With this system, the work of dental drills is replaced by high-powered, laser-energized water droplets to cut both hard and soft dental tissue.

There are many benefits of laser dentistry. The innovative FDA-approved Waterlase system does not use heat, vibration or friction, so the integrity of the teeth and nerves is maintained. When used by an experienced, knowledgeable dentist, the technology is incredibly precise, reducing the chance of unintentional damage to the surrounding teeth, gums, checks and tongue. In addition, the sometimes horrifying sound of drills is replaced with a mild popping sound.

Laser dentistry benefits for gum disease

Lasers are effectively used to treat gum disease and reduce bacterial levels in the diseased areas. Many times lasers are used in conjunction with deep cleanings to result in less bleeding, swelling and overall discomfort. The lasers seal blood vessels and promote coagulation as well as sterilize wounds to help reduce the chance of infection. Best of all, the need for needles and pain medication (Novocain) is eliminated because the procedure is generally pain-free.

Laser dentistry benefits for fever blisters

Lasers are also effectively used to kill fever blister viruses in approximately 30 seconds, reduce the pain and promote speedy healing. Again, this is a pain-free treatment so Novocain and the accompanying needle are not necessary. Lasers can also be used when the patient anticipates a fever blister is about to form, in effort to stave off the unsightly blister in advance.

Laser dentistry is taking the dental world by storm and allowing dentists to provide their patients with pain-free, effective and safe treatments for conditions including, but not limited to, gum disease and fever blisters. If you would like to learn more about laser dentistry techniques, please visit the website of Dr. Gary E. Alhadef, D.D.S. in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Alhadef has 20 years of general dentistry and cosmetic dentistry experience.